Chapter 5:The Kiss

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Hello ^_^

Miss me?

De joke

I know na namiss niyo story ko


Pero sorry sa late update!


~Next Day~

(In the School)

~To Sasuke~

~Sitting in the bench~

 Sakura: Sasuke?

Sasuke: Yes Sakura.

Sakura: Well I was thinking of going to the beach..

Wanna come?

Tomorrow 3pm in the afternoon...

Sasuke:I'd love to.

Sakura: See you there...~Starts to leave~

Sasuke: Oh and Sakura

Sakura: ~Turn~Yes?

Sasuke: Tomorrow is my turn to ask questions...

~Next day~

(To the Beach)

Sasuke: ~On the sand~


Where is she?

???:Sorry I'm late!!!

~Sasuke turn his head~

~Sakura are wearing two piece~

Sakura: What's wrong?

Sasuke: I'm going in the water...

Sakura: I'll Pass

~Sakura walks around~

Sasuke:~Comes out a couple of meters ahead of Sakura~


Come here...

~Sakura goes to Sasuke~

Sasuke: So.....


Sasuke: Did you forgot that it's my turn to ask?

Sakura: Okay! What do you want to ask?

~Grabs a can of cola~

Sasuke: Remember when you told me...

That I am not the only who hates their past?

So tell me your story....

Sakura: My story?

~Starts walking~

It's too....


Sasuke: I think I will understand...

Sakura: When I was little...

My parents had divorce..

I lived with my mom...

We were happy....


One day the police called and told us...

that my father died because of a car accident..

~Drinks little in a can  of cola~

And not long my mother died too..

I live with my aunt now...

Sasuke: I'm sorry....

Sakura: That was many years ago...

Like you said there is no point looking in the past

But I still hurts ~Walks ahead~

Sasuke: That's my problem Sakura!

I don't want it to hurt!

I want you to be happy:).....

With ME...

Sakura: But Sasuke ~Walks to Sasuke~

Sakura: I'm happy ~Hugs him~

Because of you...

Sakura: Cause you are here with me...

Sakura:~ Kiss him~

Sakura:~Whispers~ and because......


Sasuke: I love you too Sakura...



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