Chapter 1 ~The Neighbors

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Y/n took a deep breath as she put down the last of her luggage from the car in her new room. It was quite big with a window facing out to the back yard, though the olny thing in the back yard was trees did not make a very pleasent view. Her bed lay on the far right with a closet across from it. A desk and chair sat in the far left next to the large window. The wall looked dark in the moonlight but when the light was switched on they changed to a pale blue with cobwebs in the far corners. Turning the light back of Y/n headed down the stairs to see her father talking with the movers. He handed them a handfull of bills and thanked them as the closed the door.
"I need a box cutter, cant get the tape open with my new nail job." Y/n said smirking and leaned up against her father in a dramatic pose.
"Id hope not I just paid for those, Ill get the maid to do it." He said sobbily and clapped his hands together. They both stared at eachother and laughed.
"No but seriously I just want to get my sheets out and go to bed." She said after finishing their laughing fit.
"No way your staying up and helping me with everything first." He said flicking his daughter in the forehead. She brushed away his fingers and frowned.
"But its 11 at night!" She said pouting her lip out and folding her arms across her chest.
"You can sleep in and not go to school until the day after." He said with a smug grin. She putt her finger to her chin and began to scratch it methodicly.
"Depends, can we order pizza and blast the radio once we hook it up?" SHe said looking up at him. He pulled his hands through his greying hair and sighed.
"Yes we can."
"Yes! Thank you! Now we just need to find a pizza place!" She said pull her phone from her pocket.
"Wll this place is different from New York, the pizza places may not be open this late." He said as his daughter ran back to get her coat.
"Oh come on its pizza, its alway open. Look theres a Jets down the road, lets go!" She said pointing at her phone as she walked to the front door of the house. She pulled on the handle as cold air rushed into the house throwing her hair back behind her. SHe quickly shut the door and turned to her father. "Where are the scarfs?"

As the car drove down the small dirt roads tree branches and leaves fell in the wind. The rustleing set Y/n on edge so she leaned over and turned the radio on. The satilite radio still worked so she imediatle found the rock and roll station and blasted it. As they passed drive way after driveway the houses began to get smaller and smaller as they drove closer to there destenation. Street lamps began top pop up as did smal stores and a grocery store as well. When they finally pulled into the small parking lot they could see one other car and the open sign still on.
"Ha knew it!" Y/n said smilling as she opened the car door and dashed to the small store. The Jets sign flickered in the cold and a small ring chimed as she opened the door. The boy at the counter looked up from his phone in suprise. Y/n smiled brightly and approched the boy.
"Are from around here?" He asked confused, his dark brown hair brushed down to the right side of his face and curved around his ear.
"Actually I just moved here, names Y/n, you are?" She said looking at him as she glaced at the menu above him.
"Damien" He said and slightly smiled.
"Hi now I would like a large meat lovers pizza and a liter of sprite." Y/n said smiling. The boy nodded and left to go make her the food. About ten minutes passed and he walk back out with a pizza and a liter of soda.
"Thank you so much! Have a nice day!" She said and turned on her heel to leave.
"Wait do you go to the highschool down the road?" He asked as she began to push the door open.
"Yep Ill be starting the day after tomorrow!" She said and left the boy in one quick swift. SHe walked to her car when she was stopped by someone grabbing her wrist. SHe froze confused and turned back to see the boy panting behind her.
"Do you, uh, move into 35487 Melbur road?" He asked trying to catch his breath. She nodded as he realesed his crasp on her wrist. "Well I guess Im your new neighbor." He smiled sheeply.
"Awesome! Well I better go now my dads waiting, see you at school!" She said and sat down in her car. The boy walked back to store and waved as her father drove away with Y/n.
THe boy blushed at the though of her wrist, then smiled to himself.
"I like this one, alot."

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