Chapter 1

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What has my life come too. I honestly could not tell you. I mean like right now, I'm standing here on a chair watching a huge spider crawl across my apartment floor. It has to be as big as my hand. That might be an exaggeration, but still it's pretty big.

I hear a door open across the hall and remember the face of a guy who probably could kill this spider without any fear. I leap over it and run to my door not leaving the spider out of my sight. I throw it open and stare into the face of the cute stranger from across the hall.

"Hi, um I know you're new and all, and you smiled at me the other day, and you seem friendly. So can you like help me kill this big spider in my living room?" I say quickly, I'm out of breath from running.

"Uh yeah sure." He says a confused smirk on his face. "Thank you so much, I'll repay you with food." I say grabbing his arm and pulling him into my apartment. I lead him to the spider and he looks at it.

"I gotta say I though that maybe you were exaggerating but it's pretty big." He says. He bends down to pick it up and it moves. He squeals and jumps up on my couch. "Are you sure it's not a mutant spider?" He asks. I just now notice his accent.

"I'm actually not sure but that would explain how big it is." I say bending down to look at the thing. It crawls toward me and I leap onto the couch right next to the good looking stranger. He puts his arms around me to steady me from falling into the floor, where my doom awaits.

"So, um, I'm Ashton. What's your name?" He asks his hazel eyes starring into my blue ones. "Um my names Sophia, hi." I say awkwardly. "Yeah, um, how about I kill that spider and you can feed me the food you promised." He says letting go of me and carefully stepping down off the couch.

He walks slowly toward the spider and steps on it.  "Okay maybe it wasn't as scary as I thought it was." He says. He walks back over to me takes my hand and helps me off the couch. "For a tiny woman you can jump really high." He says giggling. I laugh at his giggle.

"You giggle and that's so cute." I say laughing a little more. "Yeah my mates think it's adorable too. They tease me about it all the time." He says blushing. "I won't tease you about it." I say. His phone starts ringing and he answers it.

"Hey Cal, what's up?" He says into the phone listening intently to what the other guy is saying. "What do you mean the toaster is on fire. I just bought the place and you're already ruining it!" He exclaims loudly.

He hangs up the phone and laughs to himself. "Of course those three idiots would set fire to my toaster." He says. "You can go and check on your friends, I'll just have to repay you another time." I say. "Yes of course. Maybe tonight. Later tonight." He say looking at his phone which I know says it's around seven o'clock.

"How about nine and I'll cook something for you and your three idiots." I say smiling. "We'll be here. I'll see you then." He says and I escort him out of my apartment. He goes across the hall and looks back to me before he closes the door a smile on his face the entire time.

I close my door and slide down it settling down on the floor. I just realized I like him, and I have no food in my house and I agreed to feed four guys. I jump up and start grabbing things cleaning shit up. My apartment is a mess and I didn't realize that till now also.

After I'm done cleaning I check my clock. 7:30 still no time to cook. Pizza is always the best option. I grab the menu to my favorite pizza place in L.A and order 4 pies and some extra shit thrown in. I tell them I'll pick it up, and it's going to be ready in 45 minutes. After the food is ordered I finally relax. I'll pick up drinks and stuff when I go pick it up.

I turn on my tv and watch a couple shows and stuff till it's time for me to leave. By the time I pick up the pizza and the drinks and get home I'll have time to quickly shower and get myself looking presentable. I've never met any of these guys and I want to make a good impression.

I get in my car and drive to the pizza place. Louie is working and he waves at me. "Hey Fi, how's your day going?" He asks. "It's been pretty good. I got a couple friends coming over for a late dinner." I say. "I was wondering why you got so much. You period was like two weeks ago." He says jokingly. I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. How much?" I say.

Louie is my brothers friend. We're almost like siblings, although if my brother would've made a comment about my period I would've blown my shit. "Just twenty, you get your discount and I gave you mine too. Now get and have some fun tonight kid." He says taking the money out of my hand and making the shooing motions to make me leave. "I'm not that much younger than you!" I call back at him while carrying my stuff out to my car.

Ashton POV
I look back at her before I close the door and look into her icy blue eyes. I smile and close it before I can think about going back. And then I smell the smoke. "CALUM THOMAS HOOD I SWEAR TO THE LORD IF YOU RUINED MY TOASTER!" I yell marching into the kitchen.

When I get there I see all the boys huddling around my counter trying to keep it out of my view. "Move out of my way please." I say to them. They all move heads hanging low. I then see my toaster, burnt to a crisp. "How the hell did you manage to do this?" I ask sincere confusion written on my face. "Well I had four pieces of toast in there..." Cal starts. "Wait let me get this straight. You had four pieces of toast in a toaster with two slits?" I ask looking at him with a dumbfounded look.

"Yeah. Luke wanted some too and so I tried to get it done faster." The dark haired boy says still acting like it was a good idea. "Cal sometimes I really do think you're smart. But times like these really get me thinking." I say laughing into my hands. "So where were you. You're said you were going to get the mail and you came back with nothing." Michael says. "Well it's a long story but at nine we are going across the hall to eat with someone." I say.

"Oh, who is this someone? Is it a girl?" Luke asks like we're teenagers again. "Yes it is okay. She asked me to kill a spider for her and then told me she would repay me with food." I say. I walk into the living room and sit on my couch. The boys all stumble in after me and sit in various chairs and things around the room.

"So is she pretty? Or nice? And why are we dragged into this food thing. We didn't kill the god damn spider?" Cal says. "Yes she's pretty and very nice. And I was on the phone with you about the toaster and she said and I quote "why don't you and you're three idiots come over for dinner at nine." So I said yes."  I say shrugging. "I mean free food. I'm not gonna pass up free food by any means. I'm in." Mikey says and the other boys nod their heads. "Well I was gonna make you anyway for breaking my toaster." I say.

I check my phone and by now it's almost eight o'clock. "I think I'm going to shower. I went on a run this morning and got busy and didn't have time to." I say. The boys all shrug and Michael chuckles. I roll my eyes and go to get in the shower.

Sophia POV
I check the time and rush around to get things ready. It's almost nine and I'm setting everything up and making it look nice. Im paranoid that everything is gonna go wrong. I look in the mirror one last time brush my hair out real quick and touch up my eyeliner. I hear a knock on the door and take a deep breath.

I walk over gently and open it. Ashton is standing there with three boys all staring at me. "Uh Hi, I'm Sophia. I have pizza if you want to come inside. Also beer and other stuff. " I say and a big smile erupts in Ashton's face. "We'd love to come in and dine with you." He says and giggles. I smile back and let them all in.

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