Green Witchery

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Litha is arriving this time of year.

The upcoming Sabbat is on the 21st of June this year.

So, you'd better set up your altar and prepare prior to rituals.

 For your altar;

Set Up Your God & Goddess Symbolism- whether  it's a statue, an herb, or just the symbol.

Candles- Dark Blue. Preferably unscented.

Incense- A musky or cleansing scent; Lavender, musk, or sandalwood.

Decorate With- Altar / Circle with summer flowers and fruits.

Ritual Items & Such- Place on your Altar a Cauldron containing a small amount of water; keep the water bowl of the Altar partially empty to receive water from the Cauldron; have a Red Votive Candle in a safe bowl type container that will hold flames and melting wax; have another bowl containing a pinch of the following nine herbs: wood betony or basil, chamomile, fennel or lavender, lemon balm or carnation, mullein, rue, thyme, St. Johnswort, and vervain.

Food- May include red wine [alternative would be natural grape juice]; herbed bread; pastries; cold, cooked meats / cold, fried chicken [if vegetarian, substitute with summer berries and cheese]; potato salad with hard boiled eggs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2012 ⏰

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