Chapter 2

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"Come on Finn let's pway wif da blocks, we could build our fort!"


These were my new friends, their names were Violet Emerson Whittaker and her twin brother Jasper Lucca Whittaker. my friends were the children of two tough alphas....mother always told me to make friends with the kids from other packs because they'll possibly end up being our allies in battle.... She also told me to never turn my back on the high pack members or let them see you weak, we aren't supposed to let them think of us as an easy target....

"I will be right back i have to go look for something"

"Well okay but hurry up, we don't want the bad guys coming after you!", my three-year-old female friend said joyously

"Haha, yeah, will do"

I got up off the floor and went into the living room, i was in motion to give my mother a hug and tell her i love her..... But there was a very strong need pulling me towards a pregnant Luna sitting lazily in the chair rubbing her swollen belly. I just had to go to her...

"Up?", i requested curiously with my arms up

"Hey little guy, is everything okay?", she questioned in a calming voice that made me quite content

I shook my head quickly trying to shake the sleep out of my system and slightly jumped indicating i wanted to be picked up.

"Well, what's wrong Finn? Do you wanna sit with the baby?"

I nodded excitedly and smiled.

"Yes pwease"

So she giggled and picked me up before sitting me next to her, me automatically curling close to her belly, the baby inside moving around excitedly.

I smiled and nuzzled my face close to her and accidentally let one important word slip out of my mouth.


That when the whole room went silent, Violet must've detected danger because she got up with her brother, they both grabbed me and took me to their room. We hid in the corner of the closet and tried to stay quiet.

"Look what you did Finn", Jasper said kinda worried, little puppy whimpers escaping his mouth.

"I-I'msorry, i just. I"

"Get out here you fucking brat"

I hunched back in the corner and tried my hardest to be quiet, but i heard the door open and Violet and Jasper were yanked off of me and shoved into the back wall.

"We're leaving Finn, and i swear if you try to get away from me again i will break your fucking legs"

I was terrified but i tried not to cry..... mother broke my jaw the last time i cried out of fear.

She took me out of the house and when we got to the car she shoved me into my car seat, got into the driver's seat and just drove off

"You know, i never even wanted you, i got stuck with you because your father wanted kids, i didn't but i loved him enough to do as he said, but a week or so after you came along i found him in bed with another female, i honestly wish i would've aborted you when i had the chance.... Or at least gave you up for adoption..... You were a mistake... your existence is a mistake"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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