An Old mansion.

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Y/N Pov••
I shot up and saw that I was moved to my bed
I looked around and saw a curtain with window behind it that I never saw before
"How come I never noticed this before?" I jumped down from my bed and went up to the curtains
I opened it and saw a huge mansion that was old a torn down
It looked pretty and I wanted to visit it but I'll do it later
I yawned and closed the curtains
I went up to my closet and chose a outfit
I put a finger on my chin while I scanned the clothes then I found a match
It was a pastel yellow sweater and pastel pink skirt with purple shoes
Along with pastel purple socks And a blue cap
I grabbed the clothes and stripped down my old ones
I put the new ones on and went off to the bathroom
I put on a butterfly clip on the side of my head and headed off to the diner room
I slid the door open and saw everyone stare at me
But it was soon replaced with growls and murmurs
I smiled and went up to sit next to Shu
He scoffed and rocked back and force on his chair while listening to music
I blinked and there was a image that flashed
I raised a brow in confusion
I blinked again and saw the image clearer
It was a red headed girl with short hair with electric sparks flying out of her hand while a girl with blonde and red eyes was in fear and pain
It looked like Yui!
Then the image changed to a mansion it was like the mansion I saw out of my window!
I blinked once again and saw the same red headed girl with a gun infront a man that has long white hair and was dead on the ground while he was in the pose like he was bowing
I shook my head and looked down at my plate
"Are you going to eat or what?" Ayato harshly said
I jumped a bit and started to munch down on my food
I was the last one of leave the table
I grabbed the plates and utensils throwing them into the sink
I soon stopped at started to think about the images that flashed into my mind before
I furrowed my eyes together
While I started to slam the plates on the sink
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I quickly turned around however there wasn't anyone there
I sighed and went back to cleaning the dishes
I finished as I wiped my hands on my sweater
I looked back at the sink
And there was leftover water
I stared at my reflection
My face soon shifted into the same red headed girl
"E-Eh?" My hands automatically went to touch the face into the water
I placed my hand right above the water as the reflection did the same
"Who are you?" The reflection just smiled and the water went down the drain
'I have to go to that old mansion'
I packed my camera, A handkerchief some snacks, a flashlight and my water bottle
So I set off to go to the Mansion
I yelled
"I'm going out!"
I just heard a hum so I headed out
I ran to the back of the mansion and saw a big forest
I took a deep breath and walked through the forest
I looked back and saw the mansion getting smaller
Then people whispering could be heard
I froze and covered my ears but I could still here it so I ran straight forward soon the whisperings faded away
I sighed in relief
I looked up and i was infront of a huge mansion
"Here it is!"
I ran towards the gate and pushed it open
I was met with the sound of a loud screeching noise
"Agh" a crow flew out of the window
I ran up to the door and pushed it open
The dust clouded my noise and I coughed intensely
The Mansion was pretty dark so I searched for a light switch
I finally found one and it surprisingly worked! The whole mansion lit up
Shu Pov••
I walked into Y/N's room and saw she wasn't there I searched around and saw the window that was beside her bed I opened the curtains and saw 'HER' mansion, the mansion was old and run down as normal the windows were dark and it was covered in dust then I saw the mansion lit up my eyes widened
"She's back" I ran off to call all the brothers
The brothers sat down and I did the same
"...She's back...Ama-" I was suddenly interrupted
"DON'T SAY HER NAME! WE HAD TO BRING AYATO BACK BECAUSE OF HER!" Subaru yelled as his face got redder and redder
"Everybody, We need to lock the mansion. Now" Reiji went up from his seat and started locking up the mansion and we all did the same
Y/N Pov••
I looked in awe
Something caught my eye it was a picture of a woman. She had red short hair that stood above her shoulders
She had red eyes and She was looking very formal
I opened on of the drawers and saw a gun...
There was blood on the trigger and a bit on the head of it
On the side the gun was detailed with lightning bolts
The handle was a maroon colour and a name carved in it
'Amara Kanami'
It read
I tilted my head at the name why do I feel like I heard this name before?
I stuffed the gun in the bag and continued looking in then drawer
Along with the gun there were some bullets
I put the bullets on my handkerchief and tying the top of it making it like a little bag
A piece of paper slid down my leg and I quickly grab it
There was some writing on it but I couldn't read most of it
The only words that were readable were
'Killed' 'him' 'her' the rest were covered in dirt that was not clear
I shoved the things into my backpack and continued exploring

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