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Time was ticking incredibly slowly in this little classroom and everything just stood perfectly still. Although I hated the sound of excited children running in I was secretly wishing the bell would ring so I wasn't alone.

The teddies and creepy dolls, that had been battered by small children over the years, were sitting perfectly next to the play house ready to be played with.

All of the chairs were sitting identically under the desks, every single one the same distance apart.

This class was almost immaculate but I knew once the bell rings nine, it will be a bomb site. But I guess that's what happens when you put twenty, six year olds in a classroom together.

Before I knew it, the bell was ringing and I could already hear the chatter of children and the screams of others holding onto their mums not wanting to step foot in school.

I went out the the cloakroom to greet them all with a warming smile. I was met with the majority of my class putting their coats on their pegs whilst talking non stop to their friends.

"Good morning Mr Styles" Grace smiled walking into class with a few of her friends.

"Morning girls" I replied happily as I watched them sit in their specific places on the carpet.

I looked back into the cloakroom only to see one child left crying in her mother's arms. I knew that cry from anywhere.

I walked over to them and kneeled down to her small height and places my hand on her back in attempt to be comforting.

"Jessica shall we say bye to mummy and do some fun activities?" I asked softly but she just cried harder, hugging her mum like it was the last day on earth.

"Jessie, come on baby, Chloe is at home with Lucy, I can't leave her there" her mum sighed.

Jessica had only just moved to this school a little over a week ago so she was still adjusting to the new routine and I recall her telling me that she had moved to this town a month ago so everything was new for her.

"Come on Jess, you go with Mr Styles and I'll pick you up soon okay?" Her mum agreed.

"If we have any problems I'll get the office to phone you" I assured taking hold of Jessica's hand as she hesitated to pull away.

"Thank you" she smiled before quickly leaving. Her mum was obviously a very busy woman as she was usually late to pick Jessica up from school or she always seemed so stressed.

And Jess seemed like a troubled child. Every morning she came into school crying and always sat on her own drawing pictures and complaining about her clothes not fitting her, which I had mentioned to her mum but she said that she was being difficult and that she had bought her new clothes just a few weeks ago.

I took Jess into the class and sat her down right in front of my desk so I could keep an eye on her as she sniffled into her what looked like, second hand cardigan.

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