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So … by now, if you we were ever exposed to message believers, you have all guessed that I am a message believer. This means I follow the message of William Marrion Branham and his teachings.

We are scattered all over the world and strive to serve God daily in the best way that we can. We believe that God sent Brother Branham as a prophet in this last day to bring all the mysteries to a finish.

Brother Branham also had a great healing ministry and preached the  word of God all over the world and held special healing meetings where people gathered in the thousands and received their healing in the thousands, at one time!

He passed on during 1965 but we still listen to the messages he preached up to today and like I said, we still try and live by them.

His messages of healing and hope are still practiced today and many of us still claim the same healing and receive our healing as he taught and as Christ paid the price on Calvary.

Brother Branham saw visions from an early age and due to ignorance on his part and his family, did not know what it was and how to handle it until he was saved and learnt more of God and taught others as well. He proudly comments on various occasions that none of the visions have ever failed. Not over the many years he served God as His servant, did these visions ever fail.

One of the visions he saw as he grew older was in line with our series of stories so I thought I would share it with you.


I woke up early this morning and spent some time praying with God. I wanted to wash the car and take it easy today after the week of meetings we had last week.

Mondays are not the best days to take a rest and Meda wants to go to the shops later, so I had better start.

Washing the car always turns out to take longer than I expect, as people will phone durong the day to be prayed over and more people just come around the house for prayers.

I got the normal overalls on, had some pancakes with molasses and was ready to start the day.

Billy as the eldest son and in his teens was still in bed. Teenagers are always tired. Becky at 3 years old was up and around and such a pleasure to have around.

Outside, nature was as beautiful as always and I stood with my face to the sky just drinking in the warm sun on my face for a few moments.

I got all the buckets and car wash rags and started. A song was on my heart and I started humming it …

    “Amazing Grace how sweet the        sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I’m found
Was blind but now I see “

Suddenly vision broke and I saw myself and Meda with a blond headed little boy. Clearly the voice of God came through and told me that I will have son and I should call his name Joseph. He will preach the same message that I preach.

Excitedly I went into the house and told Meda. We were happy and praised God for this vision as we were always trying to be open to His guidance and direction and the blessings that came with it.

The same excitement continued when I shared this vision with the church. Everyone joined in and we were fully expectant for God’s word to come to pass soon in our lives. I shared the testimony with many churches and I did not doubt God for a moment but knew that what He promised would come to pass.

Little did we know that it would take many years for this vision to come to fulfillment? Many people made fun of me and my family and our testimony that we shared so easily. Newspaper clippings told of the false prophet that advertised the birth of a son that did not come to pass.

I am sure many others stayed away from church due to this unbelief.

You see, the thing of it is, God did not say when it would happen. He only promised that it would.

Four years later, after the vision and the telling of it, we were blessed with a little girl. We called her Sarah. The most beautiful little dark haired fellow you had ever seen.

Still the mocking and laughing went on. People said that:

“perhaps the girl should be called Josephine and not Sarah! Clearly the vision was off!”

But Meda and I held on to God’s word. We knew He would come through for us. Like an Abraham and Sarah of old we did not stagger at the promise of God through unbelief; but held fast to the promise.

Another 4years later when we were much older, too old in my opinion to have another child, little Joseph came into our lives. He was a blessing in many ways and we were happy to have him. Eight years after the vision, God allowed it to come to pass.

No newspaper clippings were published or issued or passed around this time.

But I am glad that God was vindicated once more and He used this humble servant to make His word come to pass.

Joseph has grown into an active littleman with a prophetic gift. Many timeswe were shocked as a family for the things he says. Every time he said something, what he predicted and saw came to pass and we stood amazed at the promise of God fulfilling right in front of our eyes.

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