Outcast!teenage!werewolf!Ink x Popular!Teenage! Wherewolf!Error

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Yes titles spelt wrong. I don't give a fuk.

1. Ink is an unpopular out cast teen who just wants friends but is afraid of his powers. Error one the other hand loves his powers. And used them to get to the "top of the food chain" in his high school. He's popular and is the "alpha" as some girls like to call him, speaking of girls they are all over him. Ink on the other hand has a lot he's dealing with. He lives in a shed and is very pour he can barely feed himself let alone hunting. In winter food is scars. So what happens when the alpha, falls for the omega? Rp to find out.

Errors personality: cocky and thinks he can do anything he wants   Flirty and likes it when things go his way. Extremely dominant

Inks personality: smart and shy, he prefers the shadows and doesn't like talking to many people. He's very skinny and likes to keep his hood up and his only friends are Dream and blue. Dream always hits on him but he ignores it their the only ones that knows about his power. He also likes to put Error in his place behind his back(aka talk shit about him behind his back)


And their wolf forms aren't that like furry were wolf shit their like wolves wolves XD but errors just way bigger and stronger and ink...inks just...just Ink.

Anyways enjoy!! Lemons allowed.

Also idk if they should have like wolf ears or not. Like it'd be cool and what not but idk you decide. Ya. Just comment if you want them to have ears or not. Just ya. ALSO JUST RP WITH ME I NEED IT XD

Ink x Error RP Where stories live. Discover now