Some Queen Things

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Scenario: as welcoming back the magicwings the sandwings were planning a welcome party with the other dragons at the possibility you a curious dragonet came to see these new dragons in all there glory you see the queen and her daughter's and son's along with her tribe you were in the back of the crowd trying to get a glance at them when suddenly you were grabbed it was a sandwing they had you pinned down it aimed its barb at you queen spell noticed you a poor little dragonet being attacked so the queen lunged at the sandwing knocking it over the queen said something to the sandwing you couldn't hear the sandwing shivered and flew off in fear the queen turned her attention to you "You okay little one " she asked you ?

Wings Of Fire Rpजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें