Chapter Three

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A/N: Enjoy the chapter ! ^_^

                                                                              Jung Eunbi (Eunha)

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                                                                              Jung Eunbi (Eunha)

Eunha's Pov

"Aren't you uh, going to class?" I asked as I glanced at her nervously while sitting on the chair opposite her.

"I have a photo shoot in the afternoon, a car from my agency will be arriving in thirty minutes to fetch me so, no," She shrugged and sipped from the cup of coffee. 

"Oh..." I nodded. I started to feel uncomfortable when the silence started enveloping us. 

"Uh, I'll go out to meet my friends. See you later, Sojung - shi," I bowed politely before taking my leave. 

As soon as I got out of the dorm, I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of relief. 

"Took you long enough," I heard Yerin's voice as she lightly chuckled. My eyes shot open and I saw her leaning on the wall in front of the door. 

"Were you waiting long?" I asked, guilty. 

"It's fine. Let's go to Sinb and Yuju's room," She motioned and I obediently followed her. 

Not long after, we reached Sinb and Yuju's room. 

"We're free from classes because it's our first day. We have to tour ourselves around the school to familiarize ourselves with it," Sinb stated as she stared at the school map provided by the desk at the entrance of our dorm building. 

"Hm, I know. Let's start the tour at the cafeteria!" Yerin said with a grin, completely satisfied with her idea. 

Sinb squinted her eyes at Yerin before letting out a sigh. 

"I say we start at their practice rooms. We would have to get a scheduled time for practicing our choreography and get the principal to sign the permit. And let me remind you that we're here only to graduate and not pig out," Sinb bluntly and harshly said. 

"Yah Hwang Eunbi, who are you calling a pig?!" Yerin stood up provokingly. 

"How childish," Sinb shook her head in disapproval. 

"Yah! I'm older than you!" 

"Stop it you two," Yuna sighed and glanced at me. 

"Eunha, you decide where we go first," She stated with her usual icy voice and there's no way that these two would rebut even if I blurt out the most undesirable place to start with. I placed my chin on my hand and acted like I was thinking before looking back at Yuna.

"How about... the music room?" 

"Then the let's start at the music room," Yuju concluded and stood up, tying her hair into a high ponytail. 

Yerin's Point of View

         My eye brows furrowed as I stared at the seven arrogant idiots lounging around the first stop of our self school tour. It was just four earlier and seeing three more makes my head ache. 

"Oh, if it isn't the ambitious newbies," The black - haired guy who kept on sending dagger glares to Yuna earlier said with a smirk, his eyes containing a hint of ridicule.

"What are you doing here?" Eunha asked, annoyed. Her cute and aegyo mode suddenly was turned off and all that was there was a fierce bunny who is ready to bite anyone who tries to mess with our leader. 

"Obviously, we're here for practice. Why else would we be here?" The shortest of them said, looking at Eunha like she was the most stupid person in the world. 

"Short," Sinb coughed and I'm quite sure she blurted that out on purpose. 

"What did you just say?" The short guy glared intensely at her and Sinb only shrugged. 

"Oh sorry, it just slipped out of my mouth," Sinb replied lazily, unfazed by the short guy's cold glare. One of them suddenly smiled, trying to suppress his laugh. 

        I glanced at Yuna who was silent all the time. She just released a sigh and turned her back, reaching for the handle of the glass door. 

"Oi. Choi Yuna, right?" Yuna stopped as she heard the guy's familiar voice. 

        Eunha sent glares at him while Sinb also gave him a cold stare. I also looked back the guy whose newly found hobby must be annoying Yuna. I was expecting an arrogant look from him when I turned to look but saw something quite surprising. Yuna also looked back at him with her usual emotionless face. 

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, hope to see you around often," He suddenly turned to a cute little bunny whose aim in life was to be adored by everyone, melting their hearts with his handsome face and cute bunny smile which I already saw Eunha do many times before. I'd be lying if my heart didn't skip a beat... who wouldn't? I bet Eunha and Sinb also did but Yuna... I'm not so sure. He's not my type of guy though, no matter how handsome he is, that wouldn't erase the fact that he did talk rudely to us before.

"..." Yuna blankly stared back at him for a good few seconds before turning around and walking out of the room. We followed her out and I immediately took a look at her face as soon as I grabbed her arm because as soon as we got out, her footsteps suddenly accelerated. I squinted my eyes and scanned every detail of her face and Eunha also shoved her face closer. 

"Choi Yuna... are you... blushing?" Sinb's eyes was full of disbelief as she looked at Yuna like Yuna commited a crime that would sentence her to death, her mouth slightly opened, showing her shock. 

"Omo. Yuna, you can't fall for that guy, he's our rival!" Eunha whined though her face was also flushed and red. 

"I'm not. Stop saying nonsense. Let's go and schedule our practice time," Yuna brushed us off and continued walking. Her face without any emotion but there was still a small blush on her face, blame her pale white skin for being too white.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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