Tag 3

252 10 6

I was one of the many users chosen by BillyBobBuns to this tag. So let's get it done, shall we.

Best way to kill someone?
Poisoning them. Almost no effort required.

Favorite Subject?
Visual Art (or any art related subject).

Something you'd like to boast about?
Nothing really.

Senpai, Himdere, Yandere, Tsundere or Deredere?
Tsundere to some extent.

Animal you relate to?
I honestly don't know.

Favorite song?
Never Too Late or Riot.

Best way to spend a weekend?
Depends on my mood, I usually just catch up sleep on weekends though.

Favourite Youtuber?
I don't have one.

Least favourite subject?
I hate P.E. with every fibre of my being. Fortunately, I don't have it do it anymore.

Strangest thing you've heard out of context?
Nothing that I can remember.

Now I have to tag a bunch of people:


If you'd like to do this, go ahead. I don't know who else to tag at the moment

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