💞Happy Birthday: T.J💞

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             A/N not proof read lmao. But then again do I ever proof read. 😂

I'm currently decorating my entire  house getting it ready for Tyler's surprise party. You see, today is his birthday and I'm throwing him a party with all of his close friends and family.
I Josh tell him that he had an idea for a song so Tyler and him went to the studio to work on it.
It is currently 4:00 pm and Tyler had told me that he would be home at 3:15 latest. Everything is all set up and everyone is just chilling and talking to one another. We are now just waiting on Tyler, so I decide to text him to see what's been keeping him.
Y/N: Hey Ty, just wondering what's keeping you. X
TY: I'm sorry love. I'm so stressed right now. Josh told me he had an idea but literally came to with only a title so now I've been trying to come up with the actual song. 😫
Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry Ty. 😕
Ty: It's fine. I think I'm just gonna post pone this and come home. All I want to do is just relax right now.
Y/N: I get you. I'll start on dinner now so that when you get home dinner will be ready and then we can just chill. Sound good?
Ty: Sounds delightful. On my way home now. Love you. 😘
Y/N: Okay, love you 💓💓
I feel bad that I lied to Tyler about me making dinner, but I feel like a surprise party with homemade food, desserts, and presents are a lot better than some soup that I'd probably be throwing together at the moment. "Alright guys Tyler is on his way back from the studio now. So in about 20 minuets I'll have you guys "hide" and I'll turn off the lights then we'll surprise him," I say enthusiastically while clapping my hands together to show my excitement.
About 15 minuets later I do a final check on everything. Decorations: check. Food: check. Family: check. Friends: check. Presents on the dining room table slightly hidden so it's not obvious from the windows outside: check. Just then I hear a car pull into the driveway. I freeze. Then regain my composure. "Alright guys go hide. But be quiet!!" I whisper yell. Once everyone is in their "hiding" spot I turn off the lights and stand in front of the door. Which I locked to make it more difficult for Tyler and to buy us more time just in case.
I hear Tyler grab the door knob and twist it to open, but fails.
"Hey Y/N/N? (your nick name) Could you please unlock the door?"
I don't answer.
"Y/N?" He asks slightly worried.
I still don't answer.
I hear him sigh, then grab his keys to unlock the door. A couple of jingles later the door is unlocked, opened, and the light switch is turned on.
"SURPRISE!!" Everyone screams in unison. Tyler, taken aback just looks around then smiles.
"What's all this?" He asks as I hug him.
"It's a surprise party for your birthday."  I say smiling up at him.
"Y/N/N you didn't have to," He says while watching everyone leave their spot and resume to their previous spaces and conversations.
"Oh but I did." I say and kiss him on the cheek as we walk into the living room to eat food and open presents.
After food and presents we say our goodbyes to everyone and walk them out the door.
"Well, I hope you had a good birthday," I say while closing the door and taking my heels off.
"I did," Tyler says while sitting down on the couch exhausted.
"What was your favorite present?" I ask while sitting down next to him and laying my head on his shoulder.
"I don't know. Wait, yes I do. Definitely the new watch you bought me since I broke my last one when I fell on stage."
"Yeah," I say while laughing.
"I love you," Tyler says as he stands up to walk upstairs to our bedroom.
"I love you too," I say as we go upstairs and go to sleep.

A/N this probably sucks but I didn't want it to be too long because I wanted to publish it before midnight lol. I promised myself I'd update today. I hope you enjoyed feel to request because I'm kinda struggling with some hard core writers block right now. Anyway, so long and good night or day depending on where you live.

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