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Callista immediately drops to her knees ignoring how the blood was soaking through her jeans. She places her phone against the wall pointing the flashlight towards the bleeding body.

She knew he was still alive. The gushing wound on his belly and the barely moving chest should have told her otherwise but the whimpering noises were an indication that the large wolf was still alive.

But he was in enough pain that he didn't move an inch when she gently placed her hand on his head in a soothing manner. Then she smoothed it over his soft fur and inched towards where his wound was.

An agonizing whine left his throat and Cali felt her heart twisting in answer.

A sudden inhale through the nose and the metallic tang of blood assaulted her senses. But she could care less if the smell enveloped her when his stomach was in ribbons.

Another wolf possibly. Or something else with sharp claws.

It wasn't able to dig deep enough but the damage was done and the damage was bad.

"Shhh . . . it's going to be alright." Her voice was steady even though her lips were wobbling and her throat felt like it was burning and her hands were shaking – her whole body was shaking with the effort of trying to control herself.

There wasn't anything here she could use. Even if she tried being resourceful she'd risk infection which would be even more painful. She couldn't do anything without the proper tools and . . .

Choking back a sob, she presses the back of her hand against her mouth. The years of treating animals in the shelter, the countless times people called on her for help . . . it was useless.

She felt completely and utterly useless as she stares at his golden eyes glazed over in pain. Every breath was a fight he won against death and every whimpering cry was a reminder that . . . that he wouldn't survive. No matter how many breaths he takes.

She quickly removes her jacket, fumbling with the buttons with shaking and bloodied hands before draping it over his quivering form.

Cali angles her body closer until she was sitting on her heels, leaning against the wall, the side of her thigh against his head.

If someone somehow saw her in the vulnerable position she was in, they'd think she was crazy. Who'd ever drape a jacket over a dying animal that would've eaten her in a heartbeat?

But there she sat with tears in her eyes watching each breath get slower and shorter. Her hands moved until she was petting his head, scratching her fingers behind his ears. And if wolves could somehow comprehend human emotion, then that would've been gratitude she saw in his golden eyes.

Another long drawn out cry leaves him before he howls in a feeble attempt.

It was ten seconds later when a bone-chilling hand suddenly presses against her chest before slithering down her spine. Goosebumps erupt on her skin and she shivers at the biting cold that seemed to embrace her.

Then a howl echoed through the streets.

Her breathing hitched as she spies their dark surroundings. Her body was getting colder, her fingers becoming numb. Feeling his head moving, her eyes dart down to his form still lying on the ground but his head was raised and he lets out a loud bark.

She jerks from her position as her hand drops and splashes on the ground.

The wolf was growling at her as all pain leaves him even as he struggles to move his body. He curls his lips, baring his teeth before snapping them with a deep terrifying growl.

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