Adult!Izuku Midoriya

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Soulmate Au: Your right rye is the eyes that is the eye-color of your soul mate as your left one is your eyes color, and when you meet your soulmate your eyes change to there "true" color.

You stared into the mirror looking at your Heterochromia (e/c) and green eyes, everyone else you knew already had already found there soulmates as we're starting no or have started a family. You sighed, you were 23 going onto 24 and still haven't met your soulmate.

You were starting to feel doubtful about meeting the love of your life, you finically decided to get ready for the day and head off to U.A high. You were a new teacher, you were teaching about quirks. You yourself had a shadow quirk but unlike most you could change the shape of the shadow. (Idk don't judge)

——time skip——
You started walking around the city towards a bakery you opened with your mom. After walking around for a while you heard a loud noise and the last thing you saw was darkness and all you felt was pain. You heard screams of pain and crying, you felt around and realized you were under rubble. You heard a clear voice saying "Is anyone under there, don't worry we're here to help!" You screamed out painfully, "Yes, please help!"

You heard the person start moving rubble slowly as you got a glimpse of light and the shape of a male then you slipped into darkness as you fell unconsciousness.

~Izuku's P.O.V~
After I got enough rubble away to see the woman's face I saw dry blood and tears as she smiled at me. But what I noticed even more was that her right eye was my eye color. After the other hero's cleared out the civilians I brought the girl to the hospital and stayed by her bed till she woke up.

—-Time Skip—-
She started slowly opening her (E/C) eyes as I sadly smiled. Don't get me wrong I was happy to know I found my soul mate but I was sad she was in pain.

She looked at me and smiled as tears fell from her eyes, "Thank you for saving me..." was all she said before she grabbed my hand gripping onto it like her life depended on it.

I blushed instantly and stuttered out a. "Y-y-yea you're we-lcome!" She sat up letting go of my hand and my smile turned into a frown she went to stand up and almost fell.

—(Y/N) P.O.V—
I tried to stand but almost fell, all I wanted to do was go to the bathroom. I prepared myself to hit the floor until I felt someone hold onto my waist, my back facing said person and my face facing the ground. "Wow, you just keep saving me huh?" I heard the male chuckle as he pulled me back up. I then proceeded to walk to the bathroom only to see two (E/C) eyes stare at me threw the eyes!

I screamed in happiness alarming the male as he ran into the bathroom. Seeing me on the floor crying happily. "Are you okay?!" He leaned down to where I was as I hugged onto him tight. I whispered in his ear "I knew I'd find you." He hugged back tightly pulling me into his lap as we sat there holding onto eachother like the other would disappear. "(Y/N)..." I said silently. "My names (Y/N)." He smiled and replied. "'s nice to finally meet you after 23 years!" We looked into each others eyes in awkward silence then bursted out laughing.

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