The Battle

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The force was enough to make you completely inaudible. It happens so quickly. What was an innocent conversation suddenly turned in to moments of absolute terror. Feeling your lips against mine and not being able to push you away. Strong grips in places of privacy. Or what I thought was private. But now all that belonged of me was in your hands. All that was me now belonged to you. It happened so quickly first I was being pulled then pushed. The way your knees were on mine pinning me down like a wrestling match. But we didn't have to keep score. We all know you're the victor from the second my foot hit the floor. We didn't keep score because I was your score.

Now they'll never know. All evidence deleted. Your girlfriend she's fine because my lips are sealed. You are just fine but I just can't compete. I'm a total mess because of my defeat. It couldn't be stopped through words, begging, crying. It couldn't be stopped because all you wanted was me. But I'm not the prize because you're back with her. I was the prize because you gave me no choice. You took me, paraded me, then threw me to the side. You're perfectly fine but I'm losing my mind. It's all I think and I can't even sleep. Your touch, your words "it'll be just fine." Yea I'm fine but we all know that'
s a lie.

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