Neverland ??‍♂️

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Chapter 4

It had been a few days, at least, since I'd seen Pan or Felix. My scares supplies had been brought by various other boys yet not a word was spoken to me. But as I sat down plaiting my hair I saw the tall, broad shouldered figure of Felix walking towards me.

By now it was getting dark and the sky was a deep orange turning black. Felix opened my cage and held out a  hand,

"Come on girl, Pan is eager to see you" he smirked. As I silently followed Felix I didn't try to run, now that I knew who I was really up against I knew all my 'escapes' would fail.

"Why'd you slave for Pan?" I abruptly asked Felix, he looked down at me through his messy blonde hair.

"There's a difference between slavery and loyalty" he said. "Now i get to ask a question"

"What if I don't want to answer it?"

"You will have to, here on Neverland Pan has a question for question policy. You ask a question and have to answer one."

I knew better than to argue with Pan policies. Even my father knew that and he didn't listen to anyone.

"Fine" I huffed. "What is it?"

"Oh I didn't say I would ask it now. I want to use my question wisely." He grinned.

There were only a few minutes of silent before he stopped, turned to me and said,

"We're here."We were stood in what looked like a camp, there were small beds made up, pots and pans and in the middle a large pile of logs looking ready for a fire.

"Where's here?" I asked,

Just then an eruption of noise flew from the trees and about 16 hooded boys ran out all holding spears or crossbows. And there he was, leading smugly against one of the trees.

I watched as he commanded the boys and they took their seats he then strutted over to me.

"Welcome to Neverland" he yelled throwing his arms into the air, causing the boys to uproar chanting "Pan...Pan...Pan"

"Boys this is Sophie" he said turning to address them "and anyone who touches my things will be punished"

"I don't belong to you" I spat.

"Oh I think you do" he said stepping closer. "Everything in this island belongs to me" he said stroking my jaw. "Now boys lets play" he roared.

Suddenly the large pile of logs was lit and the boys began to jump and shout like savages. I went to say something to Peter but he had gone. I watched as the boys danced then I noticed the sweet tune they danced to it was sad yet cheerful, fast but slow.

"You can hear it?" Came peters voice from behind me. He stood holding a wind flute and the music had stopped.

"Well of course I can" I snapped,


"How's that interesting you were clearly playing the flute" I said gesturing to the instrument in his hand.

"All in good time" he said walking away to sit by a tree. He glanced back at me and gestured for me to join him, for a moment I contemplated refusing but before I could even make my mind up I was sat next to him on the trees branch.

"You should know by now not to refuse me" he said.

"I wasn't refusing you"

"Then what took you do long?"

"It was barely five seconds"

"Time stands still in Neverland you have no way of telling"

"What do you want Peter?" I sighed,

"Peter huh? That's a first, most people call me Pan."

"That doesn't answer my question" I insist,

"I want to get to know you"

I laughed "you already know enough"

"I know your name, that your an from home, that your mother was killed when you were young and that your father is a dirty pirate. But that's just your back story, not you"

I hadn't realised until now that apart from my father Peter probably knew the most about me, since during my time here when I was only 5 my father would sometimes allow me to play along the shore of Neverland where Peter and I would have adventures and he'd tell me stories.

"And why should I tell you anything?"

"You shouldn't and since you don't want to talk, have it your way"

Next thing I knew I was back up in my caged home, alone and slightly baffled.

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