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We used to be inseparable
We used to share the same dream
Debuting together in the same group
But luck is not on our side.
You were the chosen one
And I am not.

Im happy for you.
And you were crying for me
For our shattered dream.
You said you will visit me
Cheer for me, encourage me.
But you didn't.

I understand.
Being your bubbly self
You gained new friends
You made time for them
Visit them, cheer for them
You were happy when youre with them.

I saw you. You saw me.
I said hi, you said hello.
I said how are you.
You said you need to go
I miss you. I miss us.
The old us.

Im still here, waiting.
In the same place
Where we used to practice together.
Where we used to laugh together.
Where we used to cry together.
Just here, still here.

~ koeun

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