PS 12

89 6 0

Dahyun's POV

"Park Jinyoung,"
"Yes Sir?"
"Why does JB isn't attending classes this past few days?"

It's already Friday but he's not attending any classes. After last time we talked, I haven't seen him around again.

"I don't know Sir, he's not even contacting us," Jinyoung shrugged off and sat down.

So even his friends didn't know where he is? Maybe he's taking a break or maybe having a vacation? But why he didn't let his friends know?

This is so confusing.

"Dahyun," Youngjae poked me.
"Don't over think," he patted my shoulder and fixed his sit.

I'm not over thinking. I'm just worried. And why would I be worried? Aiish.

"If anyone of you happen to see JB, tell him that he should go to school coz he missed a lot of lessons and activities." Sir said before he leave.

"Yah Hyung, are you not going to answer that call?" Bambam pointed Jeabum's phone which is ringing. SAJANGNIM? Who's that?

Jeabum walked away when he answered the call. Maybe it's private.

"Bambam, who's Sajangnim?"
"Nothing, he's our, our friend! That's right, he's our friend, a really close one,"

His reaction is unbelievable ._. Their Sajangnim is their friend? Really?
Bambam grabbed my bag again and insisted that he's going to carry it. Youngjae and Mark told us that they're going home so they can sleep early. We left Jeabum's at school. Bambam asked me to roam around and eat on some fast food chains. I agreed. Tomorrow is weekend so it's okay.

We ate at Hong Joo Samgyeopsal. Bambam ordered 2 pork bellys and 3 orders of kimchi stew. I don't know how we ate all of that haha.

Our next stop is at the street foods. We ate barbeque. Pork again, how I wish I won't gain a lot of weight.

"Why you don't want to?  You're too thin," Bambam interrupted.

"Look at your body first before judging mine," I rolled my eyes and harshly bite the barbeque.

"I'm not thin. This is what you called SLIM." He mentioned the word slim, hardly.

"Whatever," I focused on my food and just ignored his presence.

After we ate, he asked to walk shortly so that we can digest the food we ate. It's already 10 PM and it's pretty cold.

"Here, wear this." he offered his jacket.
"No, it's okay. Just wear that, it's pretty cold,"
"But you just said that you feel cold. Girls are really hard to understand," he wear his jacket again while shaking his head.

"Not all of us,  don't generalized it."
"No, it's all of you."
"How can you say? Have you ever have a girlfriend? Courted someone?"
"I haven't but base on our job, I met a lot of girls and they're soooooooo hard to understand."
He take off his jacket again and insisted to wear on me.

"Yah! I can wear it by myself!" I grab the jacket and put it on. He's smiling while looking at me, what is that for?

"Nothing. I just find you pretty," he stayed staring at me with that freaking smile. That scares the hell out of me.

"I know I'm pretty. Don't need to mention it," I flipped my hair and walks a little bit faster. Just have to ignore this weird feeling.

I can feel that he's just following me, and it's weird that he's not even talking for a while.
He suddenly grab my hand and said,
"I'll bring you somewhere,just close your eyes,"
I don't know why but I followed him.
I'm already breathing hard because of nervousness when someone hold my shoulder.

"Sorry for interrupting the moment of yours but I think, this is urgent,"

I open my eyes and it's Jaebum. Bambam let go of my hand, frowning.

"What's urgent?"

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