One Month Anniversary

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There they were.

Practically sucking each others faces off in front of me. By now, you would've thought that Ive gotten used to it, but I don't think I can ever get used to the fact that my best friend of 17 years, whom I had a crush on since forever could choose this lame stoner guy instead of me.

I mean what was wrong with me? And how could he not tell that I want to get into his pants?

Justin had brown wavy hair that flopped on his head and emerald green eyes that shown when he looked in the suns direction. He had the swimmers body, even though he's been ditching every lesson ever since he's been with Skylar.

We've been best friends since forever. I mean, I was the one who helped him come out to our friends. I was there for him when he got his first A in biology. I was there when we went to swimming camp over summer and almost died because nobody decided to tell us that the forest has bees, and Justin is deathly allergic.

"I love you," my best friend, Justin was able to let out through their heated make out.

"Love you more babe," his stupid boyfriend, Skylar managed to say.

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay guys we get it! You guys have a perfect relationship. You're so cute blah blah blah. Nobody wants to see you guys dry hump, so get a room or control yourselves" my other friend Sydney yelled. Thank god she stopped this because I didn't think I could stand it for another minute.

Justin was first to pull away and he took a second to catch his breath. His face quickly turned red and he smiled that cute smile of his. "Ohh sorry. Did you guys see all of that?"

We both nodded, "We were here the whole time. We saw everything, sadly" Sydney replied with a face of disgust.

"Well, if it makes you happier, we have to go to our 1 month anniversary date," Justin stated, "Right Babe?"

"Yeah babe, and I made reservations, so we better hurry up!" Skylar added as he wrapped his fingers with Justin's.

"Alright bye Sydney! Bye Alex! I'll see you tomorrow at school!" Justin waved his hand before he was pulled away by Skylar.

As the door to my bedroom closed, I let out a sigh of relief. "Sydney I don't know how long I can take this shit. Justin looks so happy with Skylar. Why won't he notice me? What does he have that I don't?"

Sydney knew all about my situation with Justin and often sympathized with me. "Alex you need to move on. The more you fantasize about being with him, the more you let yourself down"

I will never come in between Justin and Skylar's relationship, because they both are so genuinely happy together. So I guess Sydney was right, but there was this small spark in me that still wanted to try.

After internally debating with myself for I don't know how long, Sydney and I had to go to our swimming lesson. Justin also had swimming lessons with us, but I'm pretty sure Skylar will take him there.


Once we reach the location for our class. Sydney and I separated ways to go get changed. I went inside the boys locker rooms and Justin was no where to be found. I wouldn't be surprised if he just didn't come. I mean it is his one month anniversary with his idiot boyfriend.

Sulking, I exited the locker room and was greeted with Sydney outside. Noticing how I looked, "he didn't show?"

I sighed and nodded.

We spent the rest of the lesson swimming laps across the pool, and if our coach wanted to be fun he would let us do backstrokes instead of freestyle!


As I was swimming the laps, I wondered what Justin was doing on his date. Where did they go? I bet it was the spring carnival. Justin loves fair rides and roller coasters. I bet Skylar would win at one of those fair games where you throw the ball at a stack of cups and win a stuffed bear. He would give it to Justin and then they would share a kiss under the stars.

Ugh gross.

"Alex? Did you fall asleep while doing backstrokes? Alex!" Sydney screamed as she splashed me with water.

"Wh- what?" I shook the water off of me and I stood in front of her, " I wasn't sleeping! I... I was resting?"

I formed my hands into a cup formation and splashed her with water for revenge.

"Oh no you did not" she said as she wiped away the water droplets on her face, "it's on"

We began splashing water at each other in many directions. We were starting a huge commotion that everyone in the class stopped their laps and stared at us.

"Sydney! Alex! Why don't you guys leave this lesson for today and go on a date where you can flirt with each other there!" Our couch yelled.

Little did he know, I was gay.

I gave Sydney a death glare as I exited the pool and went to change in the locker rooms.


After the swimming lesson I drove myself home. Usually Justin and I would go for ice cream after our swimming lessons, but everything's changed when he got Skylar.

"Hey sweetie, how was swimming?" My mom asked as she walked towards me.

"It was fine, mom" I said with a slight bitterness in my voice.

"Awwh baby, did Justin not go?" She sympathized.

My mom knew about my undying crush for Justin. It was actually how I came out to her, but I'll save that story for another time.

"Yeah, he's on his one month anniversary date with his boyfriend, and who knows, they might be kissing right now or Skylar might be giving Justin a flower. Mom why am I so ugly that Justin would rather date fucking Skylar than me? " I spat.

She places he had on my cheek and knelt down to face me, even though I was taller than her. "Oh honey, don't worry about them. Justin will come around. I promise. And you're not ugly. Heck, you came out of me!"

I smiled, even though I didn't fully believe her.

I went into the kitchen, and grabbed myself a tub of ice cream and ate it by myself in my bedroom.

Why won't Justin notice me?

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