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Justin looked like he hasn't gotten sleep since the break up. His skin was as pale as snow and his lips were as dry as the desert. He fidgeted with his hands as he slept in my bed and it was like the slightest thing could scare him.

He was taking this break up hard and I didn't blame him.

It's been a week since the break up and nothing has changed. In fact, things have only gotten worse. Justin was broken and nothing could fix him. Its like he had no control over his life, like at any second he could fall and never get up. It hurt seeing him like this and knowing I couldn't do anything about it.

"Hey can we not go to school today" He let out as he woke up from his sleep.

He's been asking this every single day and every single day I give in and skip school to be with him. How could I not? He needed me at this time and I couldn't just leave him. However I couldn't be with him today.

I sighed, "I can't skip school today. I have a biology test and I really need to pass"

Justin looked down with sadness and I hated myself so much for it. "But I'll come right after I take the test, alright?"

Justin nodded his head and went back to sleep.

As I entered the school hallways I was immediately met with Sydney. "How is he doing?"

I sighed, "Not good. It bothers me so much because I want to hold him and tell him it will be okay but I can't. I want to be there for him more than a friend but I can't. It's frustrating"

Sydney sympathized with me, "Alex, just give him some time"

She was right.

As I entered my biology class, I took a seat in the back of the room and pulled out a pencil to take my test. The test was fairly easy because I've always been good at biology. I didn't need to practice or take notes because everything was already plastered in my head. I was one of the first to finish the test, so I left the classroom.

I was heading to my locker when I heard a few familiar noises coming from the hallway. I quietly walked to the side only to see Skylar and the same girl making out.

"What the fuck Skylar? You broke up with Justin like a week ago! Do you even care about his feelings? What he might be going through?" I yelled.

I was furious. They broke up literally a week before and he had the decency to act like nothing happened.

"Alex why don't you mind your own business, alright? Go back to trying to get Justin to notice you" he spat.

My blood was boiling. I couldn't take it anymore. Justin is crying his eyes out at home. He's barley getting any sleep and Skylar goes around and acts like the relationship meant nothing to him.

"Do you even care for Justin? Do you even love him? He's hasn't been able to go to school because of you! He hasn't been eating, sleeping or doing anything because of you! It's like you never cared about him" I let out.

Skylar turned to the girl, "Babe can you give me a second? We'll continue this later"

The girl left and I couldn't help but scoff at what happened. "Babe? What is she your girlfriend now?"

Skylar took a step forward so he was closer to me, " Listen Alex, you need to leave me alone. Now that Justin and I are not together anymore, I don't associate with you. Don't come near me or else"

There was venom in his voice but I wasn't scared, "Or else what?"

He let out a small chuckle, "I'll tell Justin about your little crush on him and trust me, I'll make sure he knows the truth this time"

I let out a small smile, "What makes you think Justin wants to talk to you, let alone be in the same room as you"

"I have my ways" he smirked, "you don't want to mess with me Alex"

I scoffed and walked away. I wasn't scared. There was no way Justin would find out. I had to do was stay out of Skylar's way which is harder than it sounds. I don't know why but seeing him with someone else while Justin is breaking his heart at home makes me furious and I can't help but get in his way.

I drove home after the argument with Skylar and found Justin still in my bed. It hurt me seeing him like this.

"Hey I'm back-" I paused as I saw Justin sprawled on the bed with a bottle of alcohol in his hands.

Justin woke up at the sound of my voice and let out a slurred, "Hey, what's up. Just drinking away my problems" he ended with a small chuckle.

This was going way to far. I mean, did he really love Skylar that much? Did Skylar mean that much to him? I guess it isn't the fact that Skylar cheated on him, it's the fact that he was cheated on twice.

I sprung towards him and took the bottle away from his hands. "What are you doing, man? I need that bottle!"

"Justin you can't do this to yourself. Skylar isn't worth all of this, alright? Come on, let's get you cleaned up" I said as I placed the bottle on the floor and held him so he could sit up.

Justin swerved his head to the side in weakness, "Come on, Alex let's have a few drinks and forget about everything"

I sighed, "Justin just try and sober up before we do anything"

As I began cleaning the bed spread and putting away the tissues that were sprawled all over the bed, I heard a few vibrations from Justin's phone. I reached out to check who it was coming from and I was surprised with my answer. I saw messages from Skylar telling Justin to stop calling him and to block his number.

"Justin have you been calling Skylar?" I asked looking through his phone.

"What? No" he said weakly. He then let out a small chuckle, "Yes I have. He never answers though so fuck it"

I shook my head and let out a sigh, "Justin you have to distance yourself from him. You need to stop calling him, texting him or thinking about him. And I know it's hard but you have to do it to get over him"

There was a slight silence before he let out "You know Alex, sometimes I wish you were my boyfriend. You're way to good to me and you treat me better than those assholes" He slurred.

At that moment I didn't know if I heard him right? Justin Patterson, my best friend and the guy I've been in love with since forever actually wished I was his boyfriend.

I didn't respond because I didn't know how to. He broke the silence as he let out, "Alex, kiss me"


"Kiss me" he stated ever so nonchalantly.

"Justin no. We're best friends, you know. We're buddies" I let out a nervous chuckle.

I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. He was drunk and unaware of what he was doing and I'm pretty sure he was still hung up about Skylar.

My thought were broken when Justin leaned in and placed his lips on mine. I was shocked at first but when Justin began moving his lips, I began to respond back. This was the moment I've been waiting for. It felt amazing. Like a thousand fireworks were burned around us and time was stopped just for us.

However it was cut short when Justin pulled away slowly, his lips all swollen and plump from our kiss. "Woah" He let out.

Woah is the right word for what I felt at this moment.

We glanced at each other for a split second before we quickly looked away. There was definitely an awkward tension between us. However Justin was drunk and who knows if would remember this when he sobers up. I mean, he might not remember anything at all.

I stood up from the bed and grabbed the bottle of alcohol to take to the kitchen. As I stared at the bottle I noticed that it was fairly full. It looked like it was brand new.

Had Justin actually been drunk?

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