Chapter 25: Learning To Cope

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*Katniss' POV*

I lay curled up on my bed, tears streaming from my eyes. I haven't slept a wink. After I shot Gale, I ran. Fled into the woods and hid inside the cave I went to when I found out Peeta was leaving for District 2. I don't know how long I was in there for, but I do know it was a long time.

I still haven't asked Peeta what he did with Gale's body; there's no hovercraft to pick him up now. Maybe I don't want to know. Maybe I shouldn't.

When I eventually left the cave and came home, I heard Peeta in the bathroom, bathing Willow and Rye. I thought about going in to see them, but I couldn't face up to it. In a way, I felt ashamed; ashamed for killing my best friend. So I couldn't go in there. Instead, I got into bed and wept; until Peeta came in. I didn't want to speak, so I just pretended I was asleep. I think he knew I was lying though.

Peeta got up a few hours ago. I didn't let on that I was awake. He tossed and turned all night. I don't blame him.

I force myself to get up, putting my dressing gown and slippers on. The ground feels harder than it did before and when I start to walk, my legs feel unsteady.

I slowly trudge out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Peeta is standing over the cooker, frying some eggs. He doesn't hear me walk in.

I cough to get his attention. He jumps and whips round.

"You're up." He says quietly.

"Yeah." I reply.

There's a long silence.

"What happened yesterday, after I left you with Gale?" I ask carefully.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Well," I sigh, "No."

I don't know what to say. I guess I don't want to know what happened to him, and I guess i'll never find out.

He grips my shoulders and pulls me in. I hug him tight, searching for his warmth to comfort me.

"Oh Peeta, how are we going to get through this?"

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