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               SWEAT PELTED DOWN my eyebrows at an alarming rate as the sound of men shouting all around me filled my ears

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               SWEAT PELTED DOWN my eyebrows at an alarming rate as the sound of men shouting all around me filled my ears. Every muscle in my body screamed as I expertly moved the javelin in my hands around my body before pulling it to the front with my left hand and throwing it with every last ounce of my energy.

I watched as the javelin shot through the air and plunged into the target's chest with a satisfied smile before walking towards the target to retrieve my weapon of choice. The light spear had been my best pick ever since I had started training with the kingdom's army ten years ago.

Since then, I had spent most of my time and effort on teaching myself to treat the weapon as an extension of my body in order to be able to control it well during an unseen battle. Seeing as the Exscidium war occurred only seventeen years ago, it was best that the kingdom was always prepared for an attack from every direction.

As I reached the target and prepared myself to pull out the javelin that had deeply embedded itself into the wooden surface, I caught sight of a familiar face walking towards me from my peripheral vision. A small smile settled on my lips as I yanked the javelin off the target and turned to face my brother.

"Still a pro at murdering inanimate objects, I see," said Alasdair with nonchalance as a smirk played about his lips, though his eyes gave away his true emotions on how impressed he was at my throwing skills.

"Just inanimate objects? You know there's no one better than me at beheading a target with a javelin in this entire kingdom," I said, my tone laced with pride as my smirk mirrored my brother-like figure that stood in front of me.

From the earliest memories of my life, there isn't a time that I could recall where I wasn't with Alasdair. We had grown up together in the castle; studied together, trained together and occasionally gotten into trouble together. It had helped that his aunt was part of the royal advisors to the King himself, so we were rarely separated.

We were the ultimate destructive duo that the kingdom was yet to know. Alasdair rolled his eyes at me before falling into step beside me as we walked towards the bench that held all my belongings.

"Of course, you haven't actually found a chance to prove that theory true yet but I'm sure your adoring fan base would kindly overlook that due to their blind devotion to a handsome, young prince such as yourself," he said as he eyed some of the female warriors that were looking our way without much discretion.

"I'm sure if you actually dragged your butt down here to train as often as I do, you'd actually have to buy a snowplough just to get through the room in one piece," I said as I turned to look at my 'fan base' as Alasdair called it. They looked away the second my eyes fell upon them with such speed that I was sure at least one of them had a whiplash.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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