Posies for Two

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( Note: I do have information up on Lydia now - Please look at my profile to get a better idea of who she is~ )

Lydia sat in the sun, her Comfey hovering nearby. The little pokemon always found flowers, brightly colored ones, beautiful ones that shown nicely with the others that it placed along her body. It was within her very nature to collect these flowers & when there was a nice field of them, Lydia always made a point to stop & allow her Comfey to do as she pleased. It was, after all, a perfect way to relax in the heat of Alola. 

Ordinarily, she spent this time alone with her pokemon. Though they met many people, Lydia usually came & went on her own. Many trainers did, in the end of things. They all had their own goals, often going separate ways after they had met. 

There was a pair, however, that always seemed to find their way back to her side. Zossie & Dulse, two who had traveled from another world to seek light. At first, there was hesitance in Lydia to even speak with the pair but over time & over many battles, she had warmed to the two of them. Curiosity even bloomed within her - a thing that often begged to be quashed. 

So whenever she found the them again, a number of questions often followed. Sometimes she'd receive answers, other times she'd receive little in ways of response. Either way, Lydia had grown attached to the pair of 'aliens' traveling this world. 

"Are you taking a break from travels?" 

It's a familiar voice that rings out but Lydia has to stop herself from jumping, head snapping toward the sound. Often, Lydia is the one who finds these two travelers but not the other way around. What was Dulse doing here? & alone at that; that was unusual.  

"Ah, I suppose you could say that," Lydia finally answers. A smile works it's way back on her lips. She leans back, gaze finding her Comfey once more. The little pokemon had stopped in her flower collecting to study the newcomer before she went back to picking posies. "Comfey likes to gather flowers, so we stop when we can. She'd throw a fit if I went on without allowing her to collect, you see. I couldn't have that." 

Dulse offers a hum in response. Perhaps he does not quite understand or perhaps it's a simple acknowledgement. It didn't matter either way. There is a warmth that blossoms in Lydia upon seeing him & so, she can't bring herself to complain over his silence or need to study anything he could. This was natural  - she simply accepted him for who he was instead. 

There is a shift in movement & within moments, Dulse seats himself beside her. She blinks, glancing at the pale skinned young man, her smile slipping for a brief second. It reappears just as quickly as it had gone, a contented sigh escaping her lips. Despite a blank stare, a critical eye watching the pokemon float about, Lydia finds she enjoys these brief moments of his company. 

"I had figured you'd be off trying to unravel some great mystery again." Lydia comments, if only to break the silence. It's an offhanded comment, a playful jest in her tone. Even if it isn't quite acknowledged, she glances at Dulse to see if there is any change in expression. There usually isn't; she doesn't even recall a time she's seen him smile. 

"Zossie wished to see some of the sights. We will be on our way within time..." He pauses as he speaks, plucks a flower & begins studying the brightly colored petals. The sunlight seems to make them glisten. Lydia watches as he turns it this way & that, as if this little plant was the most fascinating thing he'd bared witness to. It is within this studying does he finally continue; "She is as curious of this world as you are with ours. I suppose that would be natural - your world is full of light & life."

A chuckle would leave Lydia then. The comparison is no doubt true. Zossie often had as many questions to fire back when it came to the people of Alola & pokemon themselves. Perhaps they are cut from the same cloth, though different in nature they may have been. 

"I guess that's true." It's a simple answer. There were times Lydia had wondered if she came off as annoying, asking so much of them. There is a sense of relief that washes over her knowing Zossie was just the same. 

Lydia glances back to Comfey. The little pokemon had stopped in her flower gathering, instead focusing all her might onto something else. In that moment, Lydia had wondered just what her pokemon was doing. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Dulse watching just as hard, as if trying to unravel this mystery. 

Only a few beats of silence passed before the Comfey would return to Lydia's side. She cried out loudly before twirling around the back of her trainer. Lydia didn't have chance to glance back when something was placed upon her head. Reaching up, fingers trace that of delicate petals. The pokemon had made a crown of flowers within those moments, choosing to share them when she felt it right. 

But they weren't just for her trainer; as quickly as Comfey had done with her trainer, she also moved to Dulse, holding another crown of flowers to him. It seemed, with his helmet, she did not wish to place them upon his head without permission. Lydia watches him blink once, twice, before he glances back at her, asking; "What is this?"

Lydia's expression brightens within moments. It seemed Comfey had taken just as much of a liking to Dulse as she had!

"Oh, you don't know, do you?" It was obvious enough, his expression showing that of nothing but confusion & a hint of curiosity. In this, she couldn't help but giggle before she carried on; "Comfey shares it's flowers with people they like, you see! It's a gift to you, as it is to me.

"Com! Comfey!" The pokemon cried in agreement, hovering just a little closer as if begging for said gift to be accepted. 

She's not sure if he quite understands the gesture. His expression hardly changes, the frown lining his lips an only hint toward some form of curiosity surfacing within him. Even so, it seems he accepts the explanation & finally reaches a hand out, allowing Comfey to place the flowers within it. Once more, he studies these flowers, bright blues & reds & yellows capturing the eye so easily. 

He lifts his head, watching the smiling little pokemon before he speaks; "Thank you..." & with that, Comfey seemed satisfied enough to return to her flower picking once again. 

A grin overtakes Lydia's lips & playfully, she bumps his arm with her shoulder. There is no part of her that finds it easy to confess feelings toward someone else - especially to one like him who questioned the smallest of things. But with this opportunity, it seemed appropriate. Maybe Comfey, sensing such things, set up the occasion if it came to pass.

"Just for the record..." Lydia finally starts, heart pounding a little harder in her chest. There is a pause before she steals the courage to speak a little more; "I like you too."

A beat of silence passes. She feels his gaze on her, no doubt trying to unravel the worlds or her sudden lack of eye contact. If she brought herself to look at him now, she no doubt would be red in the face, a far less flattering way to speak such words, she had believed. 

But it is silence that is often agonizing. What is surely mere seconds seems to stretch on for minutes & Lydia courage wanes when he does not speak. Yet, as often as before, he takes his moment to gather thoughts before he finds ways to responds;

"As you say, for the record - I find I like you as well."

In the distance, Lydia hears Comfey shout with joy. Cheeks growing warm, Lydia laughs a little, brushing her hair out of her face. In those words, she finds the start of something more than a mere friendship. In those words, she finds that the warmth within her heart only burns brighter, hoping to share more moments like this at his side, if their time together would allow such things.

But that was for another time, another place. For now, Lydia simply leaned against him a little more, listening to the breeze brush by & enjoying the warmth of Alola - the region that somehow brought the oddest mysteries to her but also, the most wonderful blessings of all.

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