The Town

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       Some time back, there were two friends, Smith and Adam. They had just graduated high school and got scholarships to different colleges.

       As a parting memory, they took a trip.They decided to go "where the road took them", and gladly started on the trip. They went for a few miles and came across a quaint little motel on the highway. They parked their ride and checked in to their room. They had dinner at a cafe near the motel and crashed for the night.

       The next day, was when they could actually gaze upon the beauty of the place. They walked across a beautiful meadow and found a stream. They ate fruits from the trees nearby. They saw flowers and birds they had never seen before.

        As they explored the area further, they came across a farm. They saw a middle aged man, milking a cow in the farm. They talked to him and found out that his name was Sam and that he owned the farm. Sam was really happy to see visitors and talked to them for a long time.

        Then the trio took a horse ride across the meadow. They came across a forest on their way. Sam told them about a cliff nearby which was apparently haunted and that anybody who dared to go there, never came back. The friends realised that the 'Universe' had finally given them the adventure they were looking for.

       Suddenly Smith's horse gave a loud neigh and jumped, sending Smith crashing to the ground. The horse ran off, leaving Smith with a sprain. Sam offered to take him back to the motel.  But Adam was very excited about the cliff and really wanted to go there. Smith decided that it would be best if he went back to the motel and told Adam to go alone.

      Adam started on his way happily,  calling Smith, a wimp. He walked for about an hour through the forest and soon enough, found the cliff. It looked very spooky and dangerous. He was a little terrified as he was alone. Gathering his wits together, he started climbing up.After what felt like hours, he finally reached the top.

       He was expecting a haunted castle or a graveyard, instead he was greeted by a wonderful looking town, full of life, townsfolk everywhere, children playing, men and women hurrying about their jobs etc.

       Adam was really confused and decided to call Smith to tell him about this beautiful place. He tried calling on his phone but couldn't as there was no network.

       A man saw Adam struggling with his phone and told him that it would be very difficult to call people on a mobile and told him about a payphone nearby. Adam found it and dialed his friend's number and told him about the place. Sam was with Smith and heard everything Adam said.

     A woman outside the payphone urged Adam to let her make a call. She was apparently in an emergency. He told Smith he was gonna step out.

      When Adam was about to cut the call, Sam grabbed Smith's phone and told Adam  to stay on the line. Adam had no idea as to what was bothering Sam and tries to calm him down. Sam gets on his horse and starts riding as fast as he could to reach Adam.
     At last he came to the top of the cliff and found Adam talking through his phone, standing at the cliff's ledge, almost about to step off. Sam runs towards Adam and pulls him away from the ledge. He shakes Adam to bring him back to his senses.
     Later they look over the cliff's ledge and find piles of bones below.

      Apparently the paranormal forces that exists on the cliff plays tricks with your mind and in the end kills you by making you fall off the ledge......

    Hey guys, this is Anna. This is the first time I'm writing a story. I know I'm not a great writer but I do hope you enjoy this story. Please excuse any errors I have made and do comment below

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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