1- Running From The Past

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Not my first story, but definitely one I intend to stick with......hopefully😅
Comments are appreciated. Let me know what you think!!

Fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck. How'd they find me? I ran as fast as my riolu legs would take me. I notice a blurred figure to my right. Now, a bit of advice about me, I don't take a lot of risks. Before if I knew if it was one of the sableye, I jumped onto a low hanging tree branch with my paws. I had the two extremities in front of me even before I landed lightly.
The area around my outstretched limbs darkened until a pitch black ball of shadowy energy formed, the temperature around it dropping dramatically as it quickly grew in size. Shadows swirling around and colliding with each other before splitting into more shadows that seemed to cry out in agony. The shadow ball flew away from me and raced towards its target, covering the twenty yards in the blink of an eye. With a surprised yelp, the sableye dodged, narrowly avoiding smacking Into another of the jewel eaters. A second was already reaching for me, three long, glowing white claws swiped at my chest. Taking a half step backwards, the sableye missed by a hair. I sent it flying backward with an uppercut combined with a shadow ball.
A third was climbing the tree, a fourth was forming its own shadow ball. The poorly made shadowy sphere passed inches above my head as I jumped off the tree, rolling to absorb the shock of the impact. I take off running, not even looking back to check if the other Pokémon were giving chase. I pulled up my blindfold to hide my brilliant green eyes as I ran blindly. If you haven't guessed yet, I'm not a normal riolu, I'm not  even a riolu at all, it's just the form I like to take the most. I was created by a group of humans out of various other Pokémon DNA. Yes, that includes riolu  genetic info.
I was born an eevee, then I evolved into an umbreon and broke out of the huge compound I was kept in along with thousands of others like me. That was almost six years ago, I've been running ever since then. Always one step ahead of the sableye and the the people that lead them. The trees parted as I come into a clearing,   A beautiful lake spreading out in front of me. An incredibly loud waterfall in the distance. Magikarp and other kinds of water type Pokémon swam lazily through the crystal clear lake.
Using my questionable aura skills, I search the forest behind me, only seeing a huge variety of purple. No signs of the sableye. With the excitement gone, the exhaustion catches up with me. My legs buckle as darkness surrounds me.

Really short, I know. Sorry

(Not sorry^^)

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