Chapter 5

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"Hey, mom. Scotty was telling me about something his mom's making for the fourth of July. I thought it sounded really good so he invited me over. Can I go?" I asked my mom. There was no food he was telling me about. I just want to go to the night game. 

"Of course. Say hi to Scotty for me." She told me. I nodded. 

"I wanna go." Mia whined. 

"Sorry, hun. You can stay here and watch the fireworks with me." My mom told her. 

"Fireworks?!" My sister exclaimed. She loves fireworks so much. It's adorable. When I got home after the night game, the fireworks are all she can talk about.

"Bye ,mom. Bye ,Mia. I love you guys." I said walking for the door. 

"Bye. I love you." My mom called. 

"Bye." Mia called.

I walked out the door and out into the street. There were tables set up in the street and dad's barbecuing, mom's setting dishes on the tables. This is one reason I loved the Fourth of July.  

I saw Benny leaving his house. He ran over to Scotty's house. He knocked on the door. I walked over. I got to them as Scotty was running out with his glove. They turned around and both smiled when they saw me. Benny grabbed my hand.

"Come on, let's go to the sandlot." Benny told me. 

We ran to the sandlot and started playing. I took Ham's usual spot as catcher and he went to the outfield. Benny was batting. 

The time that Kenny pitched the ball that the fireworks started, Benny hit the ball and ran. No one tried to stop him though. We all got distracted by the colors in the sky. They were beautiful. 

Benny made it all the way to home without a problem. He looked at everyone staring at the sky. I was looking at the sky ,but also at Benny. How the fireworks lit up his face with a colorful tint. He was beautiful too ,no one could deny it. 

"Guys!" He called but everyone ignored him. I placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"Let them have this. It only happens once a year. Not everything is about baseball." I told him.

"I guess." He said. 

"There are great things other than baseball." I told him. 

He looked directly at me. "Yeah, there are." I looked down at the ground and shuffled my feet. Benny lifted my head to look at him. He placed his lips on mine. I kissed him back. This is the most amazing thing ever. It's like he was a drug and I just needed more of him. I'm not good at expressing how I feel for him but I hope he knows how much I care for him. Which is a lot.

"About time!" I heard Yeah-Yeah yell. 

Benny and I broke apart to look to see what was going on. We looked to see everyone was looking at us. I blushed ,and from the corner of my eye, I saw Benny blush too. We were both smiling though. We looked at each other again.

"I guess they know." Benny said.

"Oh well." I shrugged.

"Oh, well." He agreed. He kissed me again. This one was shorter but just as sweet. He pulled me to his side ,his arm around my shoulders. I put my arm around his waist. We watched as the boys turned their attention back to the sky before turning our attention in the same direction. 

This is definitely the best Fourth of July ever. 

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