Dinner night with the family and . . .Dickie?

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It was just a normal day in Gotham, or so the we thought.

It was dinner night tonight. Were we all got together to have a nice family meal cooked by none other than butler Alfred Pennyworth. It was something we had decided to do after I came back from the dead.

"Father must I be seated next to Drake." A frowning child spats out as he adjust the bow-tie around his neck.

"Oh shut it you demon spawn!" Tim growls and swats at the younger boy.

"Master Damian, please be seaated so we can begin to eat." Pennyworth cocks a brow and gives the youngest in the room a pointed look.

Damian let's out an annoyed hiss as he sits next to Tim who sticks his tongue out at him. The small boy growls and huffs as he tries to keep his gaze away from his adopted brother. I give a chuckle and lean back in my chair, tilting the cushioned seat back onto it's two back legs. The motion making my white dress shirt stretch over my muscled torso.

"Boys," The three of us look up to our father as he walks in with slicked back hair and a freshly shaved face. "We have company coming over to dinner tonight so I want you on your best behavior." Bruce states as he grips the back of his seat at the table.

Tim snorts and points to me with a roll of his eyes. "That's going to be hard with him here."

I huff angrily and glare at the middle son as the sound of the legs of my seat's legs slamming back onto the ground echoes in the big dinning room. "I'll shoot your head off."

Tim sits back in his chair with a smirk as Bruce pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Boys pl-" The ring of the front door bell cuts Bruce off and he looks down the main hall to the wooden door. He looks at us with a certain glare in his eyes before taking long steps to the entrance.

I look to the two idiots sitting in front of me and sigh as we all decide to get up to greet the people joining us. I get out of my chair and make my way to Bruce as he opens the door and leans over to the person waiting outside. I frown and stop when I see heels. So Bruce brought a woman to dinner. She must be important.

"Who is it Todd?" I glance down at Damian who is peering at his fathers back with narrowed eyes. I rolls my eyes and push his face back with my hand. He let's out a yell and I hear him fall to the ground. "I will behead you Todd!!"

Small arms wrap around my waist and my upper lip curls up in a snarl. "Get off of me you fucking pipsqueak!" I scream and start to shove at my younger brothers face. The sucker wouldn't let me go so I started to punch him in the back. Not too hard, but I know the kid can take a lot so I put some bite into my hits.

"Get him Jason!" Tim shouts and I see him bouncing up and down from the corner of my eyes.

"Boys!" Bruce's stern yell has the both of us freezing in place. The sound of a light giggle has my ears perked. I turn to the doorway and see the familiar face of the woman who had been Bruce's on and off fling years ago.

"Yo," I manage to shove Damian off of me and fix my shirt. "It's the cat lady."

Selina chuckles and puts a hand on her hip. "That's Ms. Cat lady to you." She jokes and a small grin pulls at my lips.

"I thought you said we had company coming over? Company being a number of people." Tim questions and smacks his lips as he steps up to my side.

Selina looks around as she starts to head to the dining room. "Yes, some one else is coming but he's running late. He had some business to attend to, so he'll be a tad bit on the late side."

I cock a brow and look at the woman as she passes me. The tone in her voice made it seem like it was someone important, but I wouldn't say it was a lover of any kind.

Bruce brushes past us to Selina and they start their usual flirting that they did when ever they came into contact with one another. Damian and Tim walk behind them, both bickering and shoving one another. They were a lot more alike than either of them would like to admit but it was obvious.

When we all get to the table I move over so Selina can be seated next to Bruce. I yawn as I sit into my chair. Most of the time when it came to these gatherings I didn't do much but talk. Damian and Tim always argued with each other until they started a talk with Bruce which usually ended in a debate. I would listen some times but I mostly just stuck to my own thoughts. It was easier that way. Cutting myself off from them.

"So Selina, who's the other person coming?" Tim interrupts her and Bruce. That catches my attention to I turn my head in her direction.

A smile blooms on her face and she folds her hands into her lap. "You guys will like him. He's certainly a character, but I have no doubt he will-"

The sound of loud crashing from above us has me reaching for the small hand gun strapped to my ankle. A body slams onto of the table and Selina gasps.

I point the small gun at the body and see that Tim has his staff out and Damian had pulled out his katana that he strapped under the table.

"So not asterous . . ." The dude who fell on our dishes sits up and rubs the back of his head and wears a sheepish look on his face. The suit that he's wearing is torn to bits and the small mask on his face is ripped on one of the eyes and is starting to slide off.


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