Stormy Sea

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The shore shook in terror as it was repeatedly pounded by furious waves. The waves flew back but came crashing back again, like a swing going backwards and forwards with no end. As the waves hit the rocks, the sheerforce knocked a rock from its place and it toppled like a domino into the unrelenting waters below.

On top of the rocks stood a lighthouse. While it was gnarly and old, it was a lion. Unwavering to the storm, whose deadly waves stopped at its feet. The light shone like the sun, fighting through the whipping winds and the rapid rain. At the top of the beacon stood a tired, elderly man. The cacophony of the storm had awoken him and he watched, never moving, as the storm fought its way up the sharp rocks and over the top, before bouncing back and falling down to the depths of the sea.

The light could be seen by a group of sailors, out in the middle of the dangerous waters. The towed on the heavy, thick ropes, pulling the large, wooden ship from left to right, arguing with the relentless waters, whoms they were relying on to stay afloat. The waves pushed the boat violently before flinging themselves backwards into the large expanse of the sea.

Above the rickety boat stretched ominous black clouds that danced around in the sky. The clouds were crying rigerously, emptying themselves upon the unsuspecting travellers below and confusing the sea, making it angry and causingit to lash out at everything around it. A teardrop fell gently, hitting the sea with a quiet plop, before swimming down to the bottom of the ocean and being thrust back up by the heavy tide that it helped to cause in the first place. It was kicked unceremoniously on top of a sharp smooth rock on the shore before it fell alongside the rock back into the unforgiving waters of the ocean, followed by a million of its sisters as the quiet plop turned into a large echo that could be heard for miles around.

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