Every Marrige Argues

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Natalie yelled from the top of her lungs. She shook her head, resting it on her palms before running them through her hair, trying to come up with a good comeback. Truth be told, she completely forgot what they were arguing about, but no matter what it was, she was right- she had to be-.

"You know, calling me a jerk in Hebrew isn't going to help you, baby."
Tim smirked, chuckling at her very nice try to top him.

"Don't call me 'Baby'! Anything but baby! I'm not too happy with you!" Natalie slammed her hands on the kitchen counter.

"Come on, you don't even remember what we were arguing about." He rolled his eyes. He moved along, snaking his arms to her waist.

"I never said tha-" She quickly smacked his hands off her, "Ugh, get the hell off me! You're getting on my last nerves!" She turned on her heel, pushing him out of her way to go into the living room.

Tim obviously enjoyed her attitude, it fascinated him that he couldn't help but laugh at this scenario.

"Shut up!" Nataile called out from the living room.

"Make me, all you're doing is making the matters worse."

"And what exactly are you doing?" She crossed her arms, really not expecting an answer.

"Oh, I'm simply-"

"Oh my- shut up!"

"Well, you asked-"

"You always have something to say, just- just- just"

"Just? Just? Just?" He mocked her.

"Stop." She growled faintly, scratching her head.

"You know," he spoke in a hushed tone, one that he knew she liked, "I have something you might like." he winked at her. Her back was facing him as he finally held her in his embrace.

"That is?" She raised an eyebrow, slightly turning her head.

If possible, he could swear that his smirk grew twice as much. He opened up his mouth as if to speak and say something, wiggling one of his brows.

"You're nasty!" Natalie sounded like a toddler now. She shook her head, acting as if a five year old just saw a couple kiss.

"I was gonna say ice cream! Naughty Natalie, Naughty!" Tim practically scolded her with his index finger.

"Naughty?! Me?! First of all, I wasn't the one smirking like some psycho." Natalie giggled in his arms acting as if trying to break free.

He only reinforced his arms, restricting her from fleeing away. "You would know a psycho's smirk, babe."

"You really do always have something to say, don't you?" She leaned into him.

"Well, you're not denying that you are a psycho." He replied to her.

"Oh yeah, and I've come for you!" Before he could even respond, she bit his arm and that was enough to have him hollering, removing himself from her. "Oh please, it wasn't even that hard!" She teased him running back to the kitchen. He followed immediately after her. She made her way to one side of the kitchen while he was on the side of the sink. He thought he'd get closer but she snatched a fork. "I have a fork and I am not afraid to use it!" She threatened him.

Just then, she turned her head to the side, facing the opened window. Of course, it didn't surprise her to see her ginger, red head, soccer mom, neighbor spying on them. Yet again.
"You have got to be kidding me." She mumbled between her gritted teeth before shutting the curtains. She had place the fork down. Tim didn't waste no time, he snatched what belonged to him with a grunt and retrieved from the kitchen, into the hallway.
This time, a lot louder: "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!"

Her squirming body didn't get her anywhere. Tim was so enjoying this, his rich laugh echoed throughout the path of the hallway. Man, she was feisty. "Put me down, Shrek!" She continued to squirm.

"Be a good girl for daddy." He spoke over her.

"That's incest!" She made him sound dumb.

"Oh cmon, that's what the kids are saying now!"

"Well, you are old! Face it!" She began to pound her fists on his shoulder.

Finally, getting to their bedroom, "Sit." he threw her onto the bed and she crissed crossed her legs. He kneeled on the side of their bed and this time he had a serious glare. "What?" She inquired with a puzzled looked.

"Natalie. I know we argue a lot. We work a lot. And we complain a lot. Still, I wouldn't want any other partner besides you. Matter of fact, I wouldn't be doing this job if you weren't in with me. I would've left years ago but I didn't. Do you remember why?"

Natalie started to grin, a bubbly reflection. "We broke code number 4." She remembered that day as if it were yesterday.

"What was code 4, Natty?" He tested her.

"Never fall in love with your co-worker." She blushed, if looks could kill. Man, she'd be in ashes. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Well I could say because it shut you up," said Tim, shrugging and Natalie frowned, ready to punch him, "but really, I just wanted to let you know that nothing will ever get in the way of me loving you." He took her hand and caressed it with a kiss. Natalie was left in awe but nothing could've prevented her from what was next "and because," he reached under the bed and grabbed a box. When he opened it, it revealed a glimmering, pearled like, golden necklaces with a heart that had both their names carved into it, "Happy anniversary!"

This was too much. Natalie covered her mouth with both her hands. Tears threatening to pour out and run down her cheeks before she couldn't hold them back any longer and streams of cries spilled down. She analyzed her previous behavior. She was a total b word! "Tim - I -"

"Shh shh." He locked the necklace around her neck and she pinned him down to her, giving him the tightest hug ever. How could she have forgotten? Was she really that busy? It was no ones fault. She patted his back, indicating they should break the hug. "Wait here." Natalie stood up and walked into her walk in closet, wiping away the tears. She fixed her bouncy waves and chose a black, thigh length lingerie. So comfortable and perfect for the occasion. She slowly flung the door open, posing for him.

"Woah." He marveled at her, everything of her was enough to make his heart skip a beat and take away his breath. Oh so priceless and breathtaking.

"I have a surprise for you, my husband." She walked to him, fidgeting with her chocolate hair.

"Do you now? And how long have you been planning this?" He asked her, getting himself excited and ready for this dangerous woman.

"You have no idea." She flashed him a wink before giving him a romanticizing smile. She leaned in for a kiss and Tim quickly responded. He grabbed her, brought her to her side of the bed and began tickling her, his fingers never once stopping. Her reaction: squeals. His favorite noise ever.

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