The Perfect Crime

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Bendy and Boris looked over their file to see an older gentleman, seemed to look over fifty but his file claimed he was thirty-nine, and tucked it away before any witnesses could catch their eyes upon it. The dark alley smelled of rotten meat and piss, but that wasn't what Bendy thought reeked. From what he read, this man commit several crimes and tried to frame it as the ink boys' work. The cops never believed it. The brothers were much too neat about their work, too neat to be serial killers. They were assassins. Their next target. HIM.

Boris: I don't see him Bend. Are you sure the Boss said it was here?
Bendy: Do I look like an idiot to you?! I reread the file and made sure I understood the Boss! Don't give me crap for being too early or too late! The Boss never said when he'd come!
Boris: Sorry Bendy. I-
Bendy: SHHHH!!! Someone's coming.

As the boys fell silent, they indeed heard footsteps approaching. Boris took a quick glance from the corner of the alley. The moon wasn't a new moon, but the crescent's faded light seemed to be casted off in a different part of town, making it nearly impossible to see the ink brothers' fur. The target was in motion, headed towards the brothers.

Bendy: You ready Boris?
Boris: Yeah, but do you think we can go get something to eat after? I was thinking-

Bendy pushed Boris, causing him to stumble onto the pavement and nearly crashed into the man.

???: Watch it, kid!
Boris: I-I'm so s-sorry, s-sir.
???: Whatever, get your ass up.

Bendy came out of the shadows, gun in hand, safety off, aiming at Boris. The man looked shock as Bendy continued his prideful strive towards Boris. Bendy then looked at the man.

Bendy: Give me what you have or I'll blow this kid's brains onto the cement!!
???: I'm sorry! I don't have anything!
Bendy: Lies!!! I can tell you have something!
Boris: P-P-Please d-don't h-hurt me..
???: FINE!! H-here, just let the kid leave.

The man gave Bendy his wallet and began to run away. Bendy took aim at the man and fired. Between his shoulder blades.

Bendy: If he survives that, then he won't be walking anytime soon.
Boris: Why?
Bendy: You haven't been studying your anatomy, have you?
Boris: If I said I didn't, would you get mad?
Bendy: Of course not.
Boris: Oh, well in that case, no.
Boris: You said you wouldn't get mad!
Bendy: Well, quick lesson, I shot his spine and his spine helps control his legs and arms. They're what move your arms, shoulders, and legs dipshit!
Boris: Ohhhhhh. Now I get it!
Bendy: Whatever. Let's clean up the body and get going. We don't want Boss to get even angry at us for stalling, now do ya?
Boris: No sir!
Bendy: Ok, get cleaning.

The Hitmen (Bendy x Cuphead)Where stories live. Discover now