∞ 91//How and Why did I Start? ∞

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For starters, I want to apologize for my absence. I've been doing a lot of Homework and College hunting—yes, take me out of my misery please lol. But, anyway, I would like to be more active, since there's still a few Chapters left in this book. Yes, you heard me. . .  Instead of catching you by surprise, I've decided to let you know before hand that this book is coming to an end pretty soon. So, in the comments, you can let me know if you would like me to do a part 2, or just leave it the way it is. 

Anyway, a lot of people ask me why did I start learning Sign Language in the first place. I've talked about this before but apparently, I have to explain myself all over again, please bare with me (I mean the ones that already understood my explanation). 

How did I start, you may or may not be wondering? Believe it or not, my intrigue started when I watched a movie where the main character was deaf. The movie was called: Hush (I totally recommend it, I loved it!). I just thought it looked pretty cool. Then, I searched through YouTube videos in Sign Language. That's how I got in touch with the videos of TheDailySign. So I fell in love with this fascinating language. 

Most of you know why I started. . . Summarizing it all, it was because I wanted to learn how to communicate with those that unfortunately can't hear us. So, they can be more included in the society. Imagine that you meet with someone deaf, and that person is surrounded by mouths that are moving but no sound is coming out. Try putting yourself in the shoes of that person, it must be horrible and unbearable. So, yes, this is me trying to somehow give back, and this book is also another way of helping those. 

The purpose of this entire book is for all of you to have a shortcut. Instead of you searching through the entire internet for sources, YouTubers, apps, etc. here you will find at least the basic stuff for you to get started. All the information is right here, one click away. 

I hope I explained myself better this time. As always, any doubts or observations I will reply in the comments section or if you pm me. We're all here to learn and I would love to respond to any questions that you may have regarding this book or Sign Language in general. 

Thank you for reading, my beautiful Signers!

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