Chapter 5 - Confusion

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Phillip whined at the shifting by his side, turning around and curling up again in hope of securing the warmth. Eacker shifted again, finally waking Phillip. He looked up the the dragon, who was stretched out beside him, facing toward the entrance. A giddy smile spread across his face as he remembered what had happened the night before.

George's small scratches had dissapeared, some of the deeper scratches where blood had trickled from under the scales had closed. The large gashes on his shoulder and side may be an issue though, quite a few scales where ripped away even though the bleeding had slowed. He'd have to take care of that later.

George flicked an ear before turning his head to Phillip. He jumped, thinking George had been asleep. He grinned and was about to say something before noticing the cool glare George had fixed him with.

"G-George? What's w-wro-" he was cut off by a low rumble.

"How did you-" he cut himself off, "Why did you do it?" The dragon questioned, switching his gaze to his claws.

"I-" Phillip pulled his arms closer to himself. "You where hurt and I didn't mean to I just wanted you to-"

"Stop," Eacker growls, cutting Phillip off.

Phillip flinched, hurt. He quickly regained himself though, shaking slightly. "I was t-trying to help George! Sorry I didn't want you to be injured," he angrily spat back. "Its not even that b-big of an issue-"

"Not that big of an issue?" George cut him off once more, his tone dangerously low before shouting,"You could have died, Phillip!"

Phillip flinched. He was shaking profusely, scared and hurt. George had never raised his voice before, never growled at him. A few tears found their way down his face as he pulled his knees up to his chest.

George seemed to notice this and flinched back as well, shaking visibly. He didn't mean it he was just worried- using that much magic could easily kill any human, his life wasn't worth that. Especially not if it was Phillip. George turned turned away, fixing his gaze intently on the opposite wall.

And so they sat like this for a few moments, both full of guilt. Phillip was still crying, hugging his knees tight. George wouldn't admit it but he shed a few tears as well. He pulled his tail closer to himself, managing to stop shaking.

Phillip turned to look at Eacker, wiping his eyes slightly before reaching up and wrapping his arms around the dragon's neck. He delicately pressed his face into the dragons scales and whispered a shaky, "I'm s-sorry," before letting a few more tears slip.

George jumped slightly, turning to look at the small healer. He carefully bent his head down as a sort of embrace before curling his tail around Phillip. "I'm sorry too. I just- I was scared. You could have died, transferring some of your life force into me like that."

"I know," the young healer whispered, holding George close. They sat together like that for a few moments, silently reassuring each other that they where alright.

After a little while, George had gotten up to find more berries for Phillip, he hadn't eaten in a while. He hoped that Phillip would eat the bird he'd caught too, after cooking it. The healer was small as it is, but he needed extra nutrients to heal.

Eacker sat perched on top of the mountain cave, on a relatively flat valley that a stream trickled through. The clear water pooled in a small pond near the center, large flat rocks jutting from the grass around it.

Phillip was most likely asleep below him. He'd been sleeping a lot lately, probably due to his injury. Then again, George didn't know too much about human sleep cycles, this might be normal. Phillip often asked George to sleep by him, and though he wasn't tired he would lay with him and keep watch. Eacker smiles fondly as he placed the bird upon a flat rock. It had been cleaned of feathers and now rested lifelessly on the surface.

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