Losing a Member

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"Come on Lance, you're gonna miss Voltron! They came out with a new single and we've been dying to listen to it all day." Hunk exploded as he, Pidge, and Matt sat down at the work counter to watch and listen to the rising band called Voltron. Lance had heard and listened to their music before, I mean who hasn't? They've been the rising stars in the music community for the last four to five years.  

"I'm not really into the hype of their songs, I will not be coaxed into being a follower. Besides, whos gonna stock and organize all these music while you guys slack off?" Setting a box full of new vinyl that came in through delivery on the ground with a thud.  Lance was an art major at the local university in the town, Craigmore. He was on a full ride scholarship and didn't really need to worry about money, but he did work this job during late afternoon in his friend's music store to help around and earn some pocket money. When he was finished he worked another job at a bar named, Star Bright, as a singer. 

"I really don't know how you of all people can't appreciate their music," Pidge scoffed and brought up the video on her work computer screen. 

"I'm not one to be swayed by the media just because of some biased opinions about the members of a band group who probably got to their position from being hot and cute. Nowadays, people only care about looks and not talent." He browsed through the different subcategories of the music he had in his hand and matched the tracks to the right place.  

"That may be true for other artists and bands, but Voltron really has some great range of musical sounds and style. Here, let's just listen!" Pidge clicked her mouse. The soft music in the background was drowned out as the steady beat of the song came out of the speakers.

Lance quietly listened to the beat of a bass guitar set a steady rhythm until he heard other instruments and sounds join in and mesh together in unison. He had to admit that their flow was smooth and bouncy so he was captivated into the rhythm, thumping his feet along while he stocked the albums away neatly. Then with a modulated and honey-like voice, the lead singer jumped in:

🎵We started strong when we first hit the streets
Rising up beyond the ashes 
But just like a never-ending race car track
We all eventually meet our clashes

Four souls meeting up 
Who knew that we would get here?
I know that you wanted more
But I have more to offer to the store

Farewell, my fellow friends!
Time is up and it's time to meet my ends.
I know that we will meet again
Don't wait too long and you will see
What fate will bring to me.🎵

Lance could see why other people could get into it. It definitely has a catchy beat and lyrics to it, He thought to himself, 'but I won't fall for what's popular just because of looks'. They do have some good looking members and that probably helped them getting this. I mean not like they don't have good songs, I'm just petty about it, He argued.

He continued with his task, not wanting to get distracted any further he blocked out the sound with his own tunes and continued his work. As he minded his business Hunk pulled him out of his loop and started to shake him vigorously. Lance took out his earphones and stared at his friends in disbelief as they all had tears streaking down their faces. "What is wrong with you guys? Whats going on?" He said with alarm in his voice as he watched his friends pull at their hair.

"Voltron is disbanding and that was their last song! Lotor is leaving the group to become a solo artist!" Hunk cried and put his head into his hands.

"Dude, is this the end? How could this be happening? They have been through a lot, how can he just leave like that?" Matt 

"Everyone, shut the fuck up, I'm seeing all black and I can't breathe. Is that normal? I'm losing my eyesight, everything is turning black." Pidge put her arms in from of her as if she were lost in a dark maze.

"You guys are so dramatic. It's not the end of the world. It's either they'll break up and go their own ways, find a new replacement, or just go on playing without a lead singer." Lance brought up a delicate eyebrow.

All three looked at Lance with weary faces and scrunched it up in disdain.

"Not to be that person, but this is the end of the world," Matt shot up both of his arms into the air. "My customers lover their music and buy from me. This just doesn't hurt my spirit, it hurts my business," he cried.

"We can barely afford a box of ramen." Pidge groaned into her knees, still in her chair. 

"Well if you really need the extra money, Star Bright still needs help with management and stuff. You could come by with me later tonight and watch me dazzle the place up," he posed. 

"I wish we could, but I still have my DJ gig to worry about," Pidge slumped. "Matt helps me out on the floor with the sound and my equipment."

"Dude, I wish I could but my parents won't let me do any other job besides this one. Not like I need a job, but it would be cool if I could help you guys out," Hunk offered. 

"It's cool, Nyma and I hold the fort anyway. She's an ethereal being," Lance drooled.

"Whatever! Dude, she already has a boyfriend!" Pidge scolded.

"Okay, but that won't stop me from looking upon her beauty and grace. She has an IG account and she freaking lifts bro. Her muscles are practically hills." Lance was impressed by his friend's gains so much so that he was almost jealous. He had muscles of his own, but due to his body, he had always been depicted as lanky. 

"Most of her popular posts are about her being at the gym. Really, why would I want to see the same thing over and over again, just with different clothes? We get it, you go to the gym," Pidge rolled her eyes. 

"Well, if she wants to feel good about her body by posting it online for other people to view and like then she has every right to. I'm not saying that she's doing it for the attention, but even if she was then that's none of our business. If she likes it then she likes it. If other people like it, then its a plus." Hunk called out in a defensive manner. 

"I mean that's true, but  I'm just saying that it gets old seeing the same thing over and over again," Pidge shrugged. Nyma was a coworker with Lance who helped waited tables in the club among a few others with Lance, but she was the only one he bothered to hang out when he had the extra times during singing. She would usually bring him some cold drinks and food while he took a break. 

"You can always block her Pidge." Lance had his arms crossed. 

"I did! Her pics pop up everywhere and I'm too lazy to actually block the whole thing," she pouted.

"Then that's your own damn fault." Lance scolded and checked his watch. "Oh man, I gotta get going to SB. I'm thinking of singing some of my original stuff I made last night. Its gonna catch a whole lot of fish that I'll open my own fish mart," He winked.

"Yeah, whatever dude!" Matt rolled his eyes. "Just make sure you get here early tomorrow, Pidge and I have to go check out a house call for a client." 

"Okay, okay, I'll be here early tomorrow," Lance promised as he grabbed his bag from his locker and made his way to the door making a jingling noise from the bell that hung up above. "But you better have Beyonce music on or I will flip!" Lance gave them the look down and exchanged a gesture with his hand pointing to his eyes and then back at them.

"So dramatic," they all agreed. 

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