Chapter 1

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*Percy pov*

I gasped and sat up bolt straight in my bed. Someone had found the book.

I swore and rolled out of bed. 'how could this have happened!' I thought pacing in a line, running a hand through my hair.

'This is so not good'.

"This is great just peachy!" I shouted throwing my hands in the air.

"Why fates?! Why?!"

I turned around as there was a knock on the door.

"Percy?" Annabeth called.

I quickly composed myself.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Hurry up and get ready, its time for breakfast"

"OK, I'm coming" I sighed, and walked over to the door pulling my shirt over my head and grabbed my hoodie on the way out.

Annabeth and I walked to the dining pavilion in an uncomfortable silence, normally she'd be talking to me about her recent plans, but today she was quiet.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, she looked up at me startled.

"Huh? Oh, no nothing's wrong I'm just thinking about something one of the campers found" she said nonchalantly.

"Something a camper found?" I ask.

"Yeah, apparently a camper went on a quest and while he was being chased by hell hounds he fell through a hole in the ground and found an old temple, inside the temple he found a weird book. So this morning Chiron's gonna call a meeting about it"

I froze at her words. I couldn't believe it, the person who had found the book was a camper and the book was in camp. This was gonna be a lot harder than I expected.

"Something wrong?" Annabeth asked.

"Oh it's nothing" I replied waving it off.

Once we got to the dinning pavilion I got a light breakfast of an apple and a blueberry muffin and walked to the Poseidon table with Annabeth after sacrificing half of my blueberry muffin to the gods.

"Hey Perce, Annabeth" Jason greeted as we sat down.

"Hey Jason" I greeted back sitting down.

The others grinned at us giving us various greetings and salutations.

We ate in silence occasionally talking but it was a comfortable silence.

"Why are you so quiet today, Percy?" Leo asked grinning at me.

"I just have a headache this morning that's all" I reply, and I wasn't lying a small head ache had started in the back of my  head. I suspect it's because the book is being touched by hands other than its keepers. It was irritating how easily someone had found it but I guess that what happens when you don't check the protection wards on an ancient underground cave for so long.

"Is it bad?" Hazel asked. I turned to her and put on a smile.

"It's nothing I can't handle" 

"If it gets too bad go to Will. Ok?" 

"Okay" I complied.

Suddenly Chiron stamped his hoof on a table silencing everyone. 

"I have an announcement. Later today we shall have an archery contest between the Apollo and Ares cabin", that statement got a few shouts of agreement,"-and remember no maiming or cursing" a couple of boos came from the Ares cabin"-also after breakfast I would like to see the seven in the big house. that is all" he said before returning to his seat. It seems that things will be moving faster than thought. I frowned as I watched the others shoot questions towards Annabeth. If the campers back, then where is the book?

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