Chapter 3

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Book Status: Unedited

We arrived at the police station and I felt my breathing hitch at all of the men in the place. I've never really been comfortable around men and the only man I needed was my little man that's in my arms right now. I hid his head and they appoint me to a bench where we sit and someone starts to question me.

“What happened before your mom died?" I looked up at the man's but quickly looked away as I recalled the terrible memory.

“I was yelling for her to stay here with me and then I asked her to sing for me...s-she sang I dreamed a dream from Les Misérables and she gave me this locket...she died right then." My hands immediately grabbed for the locket as tears edged my eyes but I held them in for Hunter.

“Do you know what led up to her death?" I started to stare into space as I explained the circumstances.


I miss my mom so much, I haven't seen her in two days. I don't know how to take care of a baby, im only fifteen. Oh Hunter, you're my one and only love I've decided. I know you're only three months but that doesn't matter you're still the only one I can rely on and you can rely on me. I held the small sweet baby in my arms as I ventured out to find my precious mother, the gem of my life. At twelve in the morning in thirty two degree weather I trudged on with a baby in my arms. It's so cold and my jacket had holes in it...but we have to keep going. I can't let Hunter freeze so I took off my scarf and wrapped it around his fragile body to keep him warm masking with his jacket and coat I had to put a pair of my socks on his hands and feet because we couldn't afford the shoes other than the flip flops my mom wore and a pair of sneakers my mom stole for me. I finally found the building she wrote on a piece of paper before leaving and cautiously walked in. I kept walking through the abandoned building not knowing if the people laying there were dead or asleep....probably the first one. I reached one room and something drew me to it. I started slowly walking to it and looked through a crack in the door. When I looked I saw my mom but...a man on top of her. I noticed he was grunting and she was just...there, unconscious. He was really big so I was afraid to go in but watching him do that to my mother brought tears into my eyes. Once he was...done he walked out of the room through another door I ran in and cried. I fell to my knees with Hunter still in my arms and began to shake her.

“Mom...mommy please wake up for me." I shook her for thirty minutes before she woke up wondering what I was doing there.

“I came to get you mommy. I need you to come home now...please?"

“Not yet sweetie, im not done here." I started to sob beside her and not just from sadness, from anger.

“Mommy, there was a man here and I know what he was doing...he was raping you mommy." She giggled and said

“Oh no he wasn't we were just having a good time!"

“But, you weren't awake."

“The opposite of awake is asleep and that's what I was." She whispered to me then.

“You know he's getting kind of rusty and that's why I fell asleep." She chuckled and then laid her head back down again.

“Mom, we have to get you out of here." I looked at our surroundings and saw needles and bongs everywhere, I know what they are because I was exposed to them so much.

“Wait, I gotta do one more thing." I slowly nodded, cradling the baby-MY baby and waited. She started to pick up a needle and I immediately panicked.

“Mommy, no!" I smacked out of her hand and heard her scream 'Ow, god damnit' I looked down at her hand and saw a prick on her hand...never in a million years did I think she'd get a life threatening disease from it. She got so angry and slapped me making me fall to the ground with my baby in my arms but thankfully my body was the only one that hit the hard concrete. I simply stood up and started to pull her up, used to the abuse. This time she actually obliged and we slowly walked home.

Flashback Over:

“She eventually got aids from that needle or another and she died last night." My tears were flowing with my baby on my lap as I kissed his head. I love him more than I love myself and he should know that. I saw that Hunter slowly drifted to sleep and I cradled him as they questioned me some more. After we were questioned Alex took us to a very uncomfortable and petite, dull house. It was beige and seemed overridden with children...this is not a place me and my baby should be. I guess I have no choice for right now so I guess this is our home. I picked up Hunter and Mr. Bla- I mean Alex picked up our bags. When we got into the facility and it seemed more like a prison without the bars. There were many children all around and small beds everywhere. I guess Hunter is gonna sleep with me from now on. Suddenly a woman walked up with to crying babies in her midst. She looked absolutely worn as she looked up at us and smiled.

“Hi, I'm guessing you're Charlie and Hunter." She took deep, jagged breathes in between her words and walked us in. I saw the other girls and they looked so angry. I cringed at their hateful looks and held my baby closer. The dingy place seemed to creak with each of my footsteps and the paint on the walls seemed to be peeling. We were finally stopped at a mattress which was told was mine and the one next to it was Hunters. We both sat down on the beds and I thought to myself, welcome to hell.


Oh my goodness, I am so sorry that it took so long for me to update buy I've finally gotten an idea on when I should update...I know you will probably hate me but I've decided on once every two weeks. I will try my best to update every week but until then. Anyway this was mostly a filler and I'm so sorry for what's coming next. See you soon!

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