Chapter 3

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  As I slowly hobble along, my stomach starts to growl, begging me to eat. I look around and notice a small ramen shop a few buildings down. I wobble down the street, wincing as my skint up hands rub against the crutches. Without Kakashi beside me catching me every time I fell, I messed my hands up pretty bad.

  Finally getting to my destination, I sit down at a stool and rest the crutches on the ground beside me. I look around. The only other person here eating is a boy with an orange jumpsuit on. He has blond hair and lines on his face that make him appear to have whiskers. 

  An old man turns around behind the counter. "What can I get for you?" he asks politely. 

  "Do you have miso ramen? It's my favorite!" I tell him excitedly.

  "Sure do! I'll get that for you right away!" the old man turns around again. 

  I glance at the boy and see that he is staring at me over his ramen. "You like miso ramen too?" he asks.

  "Yep! I could eat it every day," I say as the old man sits the bowl of ramen in front of me. I break a pair of chopsticks and dig in. 

  "I am Naruto Uzumaki! What is your name?" he asks me excitedly.

  I pause in slurping down my noodles. "I'm Misaki Hana. Nice to meet you, Naruto," I tell him. 

  When I am finished with my ramen, the old man holds out his hand for my money. As I dig around in my pouch for it, a hand passes by my head and gives the old man money. 

  "Kakashi- sensei! What are you doing here?" Naruto asks the person behind me. 

  I turn and see Kakashi giving me that closed eye grin again.

  "I see you've met Naruto," he says. I nod. He turns to Naruto. "I came to get Misaki to take her to her new apartment. She will be on Team Kakashi until Lady Tsunade says otherwise," he tells Naruto.

  "That's awesome! Believe it!" he yells.

  "Well, Naruto. I guess I will see you later," I smile at him as I pick up my crutches and follow Kakashi out into the night.

  "See ya, Misaki! Bye Kakashi- sensei!" Naruto yells after us. 

  "Thank you for paying for my meal," I tell Kakashi.

  "No problem," he says. 

  As we slowly go down the road, I wince as the scabs on my hands break open.

  "Let me see your hands," Kakashi orders. I stop and lift up a hand. Blood is oozing out of the wounds. Kakashi takes the crutches from me and sit them by a nearby tree.

  "Hey! How am I supposed to walk without those!?" I complain loudly. He walks over to me and squats down in front of me. "What are you doing?" I ask curiously.

  "Climb on. I'm going to carry you," he tells me. Without the crutches, I have no other choice since it is to far to jump or crawl. I hop over to him and put my arms around his neck and wrap my legs around his torso. He stands up slowly so he can maintain his balance. He starts walking in the direction of his house. I lay my head on his shoulder, falling asleep in seconds.

(Naruto Fan Fiction) Misaki Hana (A Kakashi love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora