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Daniels looks at me and I take a step back. Gen sits on her bed and looks at us. He walks in the door. My heart sinks to my feet.

"Avery, you weren't planning on leaving, were you?"

"No sir. I wasn't."

"That's good. We'd miss you greatly here."

"Right." I slowly put my bag on the floor and sit on my bed. "What's this about?"

"I'm just checking in, making sure you're okay. I hope you're ready to begin training tomorrow."

"I am."

"Good." He turns around and takes a step out the door, he stops and turns his head back around, "And Avery..."

"Yes sir?"

"Don't ever try a stunt like that again." Daniels walks out the door and Gen jumps up and shuts the door.

"Wow." She says.

"That was weird."

"I've never seen him like that. You better be careful Avery. He doesn't seem happy."


It's early when I wake up. I don't wake up by my own will but that of Daniels. He insists on starting as early as we can.

Gen isn't awake yet otherwise I'd ask her how much I messed up.

Before I leave, I look at my bed. I whisper 'I'll miss you'. And I walk out the door and down the hall.

I knock on the lab door that I'm supposed to meet Daniels at.

Before he gets a chance to open the door, a girl runs out of nowhere. I'm wondering if she's in my imagination. She puts up her finger and touches my nose, "You've been blessed," she then proceeds to swan dive out of the window.

That was completely random. I look flustered when Daniels opens the door.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't even know."

"Okay," he starts to look just as confused as I am.

He ushers me inside to begin.

"You missed a lot in this past week. I have decided to move Gen to another leader and have you as my only apprentice."

"Why not just move me?"

"You need too much individual attention with your studies. You would not do well."

I nod my head in agreement, I don't quite understand but, I don't want to question it. I'm in enough trouble already.

"Let's start with, basic chemistry."


A few hours later, I understand what he's saying.

"Avery, I knew you could do this. You just needed to take it slowly."

I nod and continue what I'm doing. I don't really understand how I didn't get this before.


As we wrap up for the day, ten hours later, I thank Daniels for not giving up. We decide to meet at the same time tomorrow.

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