Jon I: The fury of the White Wolf

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When I saw the smoke, I could tell something wasn't right, Robb left half his army to me and Margery's grandmother ordered for a quarter of their army to be with me. They are attaking them!!!, I said, northerners with me!!!!, as I drew Longclaw, I ride to where a massacre was taking place. I saw Bolton men killing northerners.

Bastard of Winterfell, said one of them, as he tried to kill me, I dodge his attack and behead him quickly, kill this traitors!!!. The Freys and Bolton's were attack unprepared, as they didn't planned for someone to attack them. The other northerners, started to attack at the same time. I run to the hall, but something stop me.

Hail to the young wolf!!!, said a Frey, they were playing with a body, until I recognize it, it was Robb, but they mutilated his body. In that moment I lost all control over me. The wolf blood took over me.

You will pay, I said to them.

Who the fuck are you?, one of them asked, but before he got any closer Ghost jumped on him and torn him apart with his teeth.

A wolf!!!, said one of them.  Wait, that mean that you are...... He never finished. As I cut his head off. The others where frozen. To scared to move. Ghost kill another and I impaled another. I look at Robb's body. A voice them put me out of the wolf blood.

Arya...., I said, is that you?.

Jon!!!!, she said again. We hug. Little sister, your alive, your alive.

I am glad you kill them, Arya said.

There is one more to kill, I said. Two in fact.  You are Sandor Glegane, thank you for bringing my sister, how much do I own you?.

A bag of golden dragons would be perfect, Sandor said, and permission to kill this fuckers.

Done, I said, let's some kill Freys and Boltons. It was a bloodbath, every Frey who attack us was killed. We enter the great hall.

What is the meaning of this!!!, said the weasel. Who are you?.

Your Ned Stark bastard!, said Roose Bolton.

Your the one who kill Robb didn't you?, I asked.

I killed the young wolf, Roose Bolton said, just as I am going to kill you, he tried to stabbed me with a knife, but I dodge and I nailed my sword in his face, killing him instantly.

The wolfs sends their regards, I said, as I remove the sword.

King Jon, said Small Jon Umber, who accompany me on orders of Robb, we have Talisa and lady Stark killer's.

Bring them here, I said. They brought Black Walder and Lothar Frey. Lady Stark may not have been my mother, but it was the mother of my siblings.

Thats correct, Arya said. I passed her a knife. She didn't wait, she just cut the neck of Black Walder.

And you killed my sister in law and unborn nephew, I said to Lothar Frey. Arya passed me the knife. And start to  stabbed him in the belly five times.

No!!!, said Walder Frey.

Ghost, I said.

Nymeria, Arya said.

Kill him, we both finished. Both dire wolfs jumped on Walder Frey and start eating him and torn him apart with their teeth. We then exit the twins, we send all Freys into exile and them burn the twins, until there was no stone standing.

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