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"Damn son you knocked the fuck out of her" I heard someone say

I was slowly opening my eyes as a continue to feel a pounding in my head

"Aye boss she getting up" I remember that voice. That was guy number two the one who asked to get a private section

Even though my vision was foggy I could clearly see that it was in fact the same four men from the diner

"What's your name" the main guy who I'm assuming the boss asked

"Why" I said in a groggy voice

"You don't get to asked any questions" he said in a demanding tone

I haven't realize until now that we was in a car with main guy in the passenger seat number 2 driving and 3 and 4 back here with me while I was in the middle.

"It's Ryann " I replied "Ryann Destini"

He groan while continued to look forward. I didn't know where we was going but the drive was long. We pulled up to this beautiful big house that looked like it had at least 20 rooms. My eyes widen as I gasp in an awe.

That is beautiful I thought to myself

"I know that's why u bought it" main guy said

I gave a confused look. Can he read mines

"You said that out loud. Don't know if you meant to but you did" he confirmed

We made it to the front door as another pair of men came and open the doors for us. I was really confused on why this man had this many people with him. That could mean either two things. He deals with the government or he's a drug dealer and I really hope I didn't steal from a drug dealer

"Big Will. Jimmie this is Ry. You guys will be watching her during the day and make sure Teal and Jones watch her at night" main guy said

"I don't need a babysitter" I protested

"I'm nobody's babysitter and you need to get that through yo thick skull" Big Will said stepping up to me

"I don't know who you stepping up on if I say you're my babysitter that's what imma call so back yo ass up" I said stepping up as well making it little space between us

Main guy just chuckled and walked inside the house. I reluctantly followed with him as all five men followed behind. As I look around I analyzed the interior design. It was very simple yet it looked good it looked he had a female to design it

"Sir you're back early" someone in a British accent said walking up to him

"Yeah my plans had to be rearranged" he said looking back at me

By this his look I knew what he had to do was important by how did I ruin them. The British accent man looked at me in confusion. I would too if a random girl walked in with your boss

"Fitz this is Ryann she would be staying with us for a while. Make sure she get the 6th room" main guy said

"Yes sir" Fitz said while looking at me to follow him

We walked up the circular stairwell and turn a left. We stood in front of a two door room.

"Here's your room Ms Ryann. Somebody will be in here to give you some clothes and other personal things. Enjoy" he said walking out

The colors of the room was white and gold. Something that reminds me of my room at the house I grew up in. I walk to another set of doors to see that it was a closet. I checked out the nice room and saw the doors that had curtains covering them. I removed the curtains and saw a beautiful garden outside and walked out

"Ma'am you can't be out here " somebody with a deep voice said

I looked up to see a tall man that looked no older than 30 wearing all black and black timbs

"And why not? My room is right there and it's apart of the house. Im not going anywhere" I said smartly

"Because boss said so. Now get back in your room and be ready by 7" he said

"Boy no. For what?" I asked with a mug

"Because we eat dinner at 7" he said getting annoyed

I kept walking ignoring him not caring.

"Boss she's walking in the garden" I heard the guard say

I continue to walk looking at all out the different flowers and tress its was about 30 minutes until I heard my name again

"Ryann" somebody said making me stop dead in the middle of my track

It was main guy and I knew he was coming here to get me but I didn't care

"Didn't you here Joseph telling you to not be out here" he asked

"Nope don't know what you're talking about" I said starting to walk again

"Ryann Destini" he said demanding

I turn to face him and he had an angered looked on his face. I'm not going to lie I'm a little scared now.

"Get inside now and get ready" he said in a whisper but loud enough for me to hear

I stomped to my room sending him a glare. When I got to my room I saw this black with gold accent dress laying on the bed. It's wasn't my style and it was cute but wasn't me. I looked in my closet to see if anything was I there but wasn't. I open my door to see Big Will and Jimmie standing outside.

"You're supposed to be getting dress" Jimmie said

"I'm not getting dress" I said

"And why not?" Big Will asked

"I don't like that dress. I'm not wearing that thing" I said

"Ryann you need to put the dress on" Jimmie said getting frustrated

"no" I said closing the door

I walked to the bed getting on my phone that I haven't been on since the day before. There's a lot of messages from Jermaine asked if I was okay. I simply replied that I was fine and scrolled through instagram and twitter.

"Destini" I heard main guy say as he walked in my room

"What" I said looking up

"I need for you to get dress" he said sternly

"Why so that I could have my last meal before you kill me" I asked getting up off the bed

"If I would have wanted to kill you I would've done it the night you took my money" he said

I looked at him with a frightening look. I was beyond scared because I didn't knew what he was going to do with me.

"Why didn't you" I asked acting unaffected

"Because I wanted you to work for me" he smirked "so I need you to get dress"

"I'm not wearing that thing so either get me a new dress or I'll just stay in here" I said folding my arms

By this time I could see the anger and frustration in his eyes as he walked me til my back was against the wall

"I'm not telling you anymore" he look me into my eyes as my breath hinged "you're going to put the dress on and be downstairs by 7" he continued whispering it into my ear

His words and tone itself made shivers run down my back. It was intimidating but a turn on at the same time.

"Did you hear me?" he asked

"Yes" I said weakly

He chuckled and walked away as I just stood there trying to find some balance. I looked at the clock and saw that read 6:15 meaning I only had 45 minuets to get ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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