This Is Why You Don't Cut Class, Kids

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There was a valuable lesson in that last chapter, somewhere. Whether it was 'Don't cut class', 'Don't destroy slushee machine things', 'Don't break into glowing lockers', 'Learn what your teachers are allergic to before giving them candy', or anything else you could come up with, there was at least one lesson. I do indeed believe I will be giving examples of each chapter's lessons, just for fun (and for page fillers), except the last one. I'm not making two extra pages just to explain the last chapters lessons, that's killing trees. You have brains, you can guess the lessons. Now that I've wasted a solid 100 words on important life lessons you most likely will never need, let's continue the story!

(Cue unbearably long, loud, and unnecessary throat clearing. This a book, if anything I should be readying my pen.)

It was a dark and stormy night. That entire sentence was a lie. I'm sorry. Let me restart.

It was a bright and clear afternoon that saw two young teenagers running away from an exploding 7-11. Those two teenagers were—shocker—Jared (the guy currently sitting next to me—AND PUNCHING ME) and Cyrus (me). Cyrus—I—was dragging Jared behind me, not that it was necessary. He was almost running faster than I was. Unfortunately, he's wasn't. We were equally paced.

Also (Writing Cyrus here), I'm sorry to go on a hypocritical rant here, but there's something I don't understand. When an author write 'almost faster than I was', what do the mean? Were the characters equally paced? Was one a little slower? I require these clarifications! It's ridiculous, what if I want to draw that scene? Anyway, back to the story.

We were running at the same speed—or lack thereof, we both nearly failed PE—away from the exploding 7-11. I couldn't help wondering if that angry cashier lady followed us, but I didn't risk turning around. We were barely a block away from the 7-11.

The fire was spreading fast, I don't think anyone called the fire department. That cashier lady should have called someone... unless she died. Yeah, she might be dead. I never did go back and check. Oops?

In other news, my contemplative thoughts didn't stop us from running, and we were now two blocks away from the 7-11. The power of legs, am I right?

Seeing as Jared's house was closer, we ran to mine. If that logic is confusing, then just think about it. His house is closer to the explosion that we were running away from. Why would we go there? It took us a long, boring time, but we eventually made it into my house. Part of that time was spent trying to find my keys before knocking loudly and hoping someone was home. My sister opened the door, ushering us into the living room.

*Who's this?* She signed, motioning to Jared with her head. Without letting me answer, she started signing again. *Why is he here?*

I'm pretty sure I glared, but I can't remember very clearly. *First of all, he's Jared. Second of all, we accidentally blew up a 7-11 together.*

My sister let out a silent sigh before turning and walking away.

"Who was that?" Jared asked, heavily confused by the nonverbal conversation that just took place in front of him.

I smiled awkwardly at him. "That was my sister, Ria." I cut myself off after saying that. If he didn't ask for an explanation, I wouldn't give him one. Of course, however, he saw right through me.

"Why weren't you speaking?"

"Ria's mute, because of some things in the past. It's easier to just communicate in sign." I laughed uncomfortably, and Jared changed the topic.

"So..." He started. "What should we do about the 7-11?"

"Nothing!" I replied with a dismissive wave of my hand. "The cameras were destroyed in the blast. That creepy demon Bible probably was too. We're safe as long as we don't turn ourselves in, Jared. So, don't talk about—!"

"Wait!" He cried, some of my words catching up to him. "Wait, wait, wait! Creepy demon Bible? What creepy demon Bible?"

"You didn't notice the book I was holding the entire walk to the 7-11." I didn't phrase it as a question, more of deadpan statement.

"No, no, I did notice!" He backtracked, waving his arms frantically. "But-but—! Creepy demon Bible?" Jared's tone took on an incredulous note. "Explain, right now!"

Due to all the yelling, Ria had reentered the room, and was eyeing me suspiciously. *What did you do?* I shook my head at her before dragging Jared upstairs to my room and locking the door.

My mind was racing. I didn't know how to tell him what happened, and I was tempted to say it was a joke. However, that would be hard to pull off, considering the fact that I didn't say that from the get-go.

"Cyrus?" He called cautiously. "What was the Bible?"

I took in a shaky breath, giving up on trying to hide the truth. I pulled my shirt off, turned around, and started to explain upon hearing his gasp.

"At school earlier, before we met up. I saw a glowing locker, and I'd figured someone just left some fairy lights on. However, it intrigued me. I broke into the locker, and there was that creepy book. I tried to close the locker, but it exploded. I passed out for a second, and woke up with those holes in my back and that weird book. The locker was closed, and it had stopped glowing. Then you walked by, and the rest is just history." I gave him a weak smile as I pulled my shirt back on, as well as a dark hoodie that was too big on my body.

Jared hesitant reached out. "Can I... Can I feel them?" Upon my uncomfortable nod, he stroked my shoulder blade. I flinched slightly, a feeling of wrongness working its way through my soul.

Suddenly, Jared gasped, jerking his hand away. "W-What in the world?" A mist-like gas spewed out of the void, and my entire body tensed as it soaked my clothes. I ripped my hoodie and t-shirt away, feeling as though I was about to throw up. With a gasp, I started to keel over, but Jared grabbed me to keep me standing. I flinched away from his touch, violently. The voids in my back felt so immensely right and wrong simultaneously. Suddenly, it all stopped.

It stopped so instantaneously that I was forced to double over and vomit, everything I had stolen from the 7-11 coming back up from the acidic confines of my stomach.

"C-Cyrus?" Jared looked to be in shock. He was staring at my stomach, as well as slightly behind me.

"Wh..." I coughed, choking down the bile that threatened to escape. "What?"

Wordlessly he turned on his phone and opened the camera, snapping a picture to show me.

Needless to say, I nearly cried once I saw the picture.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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