On The Road

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Noctis was excited, about his upcoming camping trip with Prompto, As he was making preparations, his thoughts fell on his friend...

They'd been friends for five years, having met back in High School and just like Prompto, he felt like an outsider too. He was the king's son and felt that he couldn't relate to anyone his own age, but Prompto was different and when they first met, the very shy Prompto had owned a camera and loved to take pictures of everything he saw. One day while Noctis was walking to class, he noticed Prompto was standing near the lockers taking pictures of him. Thinking he was some sort of creep, he walked over to confront him... and that was the day, he made his first real friend.

Prompto's twentieth Birthday was in three days, and this trip was a gift to him from Noctis and when Prompto first heard about the trip, he was excited. In an hour Noctis would be picking him up in the Regalia and taking him to some National Park located somewhere on Eos and it would be just the two of them. Oh, how he loved the idea of them being alone because secretly, he had been in love with Noctis for five years.

Parked in front of Prompto's apartments, Noctis took his phone from out of his pocket and dialed Prompto's number.

"I'm here." 

"I'll be down in a second!" Prompto said excitedly.

Noctis arrived twenty minutes later and Prompto jumped into the Regalia then Noctis drove off...

"So Noct, where are you taking me?"

"You'll see."

"By the way, did you bring your camera?"

"Yes I did, why?" 

"Because where we're going, you're going to want to take a lot of pictures."

During the drive, Noctis and Prompto laughed as Prompto told one of his famous jokes. And after six hours on the road, they finally reached their campsite.

"Dude, this place is amazing!" Prompto exclaimed.

"See, I told you!" Noctis said.

"You're right, I'll be taking a lot of pictures here because it's beautiful!"

Then the two friends begin to laugh, as they removed their camping gear from the Regalia.

Setting up camp was fun and even though Prompto brought his own tent, they both decided to use Noctis' tent, because it was huge!

Later that day, after they were finished setting up camp, they decided to sit by the fire and roast marshmallows. As the two friends were chatting, the fire had built up its flames and illuminated the faces of both men. It was at this point, that Noctis looked over at Prompto and felt his heart flutter and his groin stir. Prompto was beautiful, Noctis thought from his blond hair to his splash of freckles. Ashamed of what he was feeling, he quickly looked away...

Later that night in the tent, while Noctis was sound asleep, Prompto began staring at him and then felt himself harden under his sweats. Oh, how he wished he was lying in the sleeping bag, next to him. He continued to stare at him until eventually, sleep took him too.

(Smut MxM Yaoi) Noctis and Prompto: A Trip To RememberWhere stories live. Discover now