7:30 A.M.

11 0 0

Barely waking up and I ask myself:
Should I get up?
Because I have a lot of things to do.

Should I eat breakfast first?
Because I know I have to,
but I'm not hungry at all.

Should I exercise 2hrs. after my breakfast?
Because I have everything I need to get my ass on fit.

Should I clean my room after?
Because my room is a mess, and I know no one else will clean it for me.

Should I wash the dishes?
Because there's a mountain of them, I don't know when I'm going to be done

Should I go and look for another job?
Because the last one didn't worked out, and I have bills to pay by the end of this month.

Should I go out with friends, and spend a good time?
Because I don't remember the last time drinking and a having a good talk.

Should I go for a walk?
Because only the people that been through pain feel like walking it out.

Should I just leave my phone far away?
Because it takes most of my valuable time.

Should I just use "Today I will" instead of "should I" and start solving my problems and do what I need and want to do?
Because I am pretty sure that life will be better if I use "Today I will" more.

-Alex Perez

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