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jooahhh : seriously

jooahhh : you waste my time and when i want to say bye you stop me

jooahhh : and now you're not saying anything

jooahhh : wtf do u want

yeol1485 : i just wanted to talk to you :(

yeol1485 : and the thing is i have slow wifi :(

yeol1485 : and so my messages aren't sending through very quickly :(

jooahhh : ok

jooahhh : then get better wifi before you text me

yeol1485 : wow you sure are feisty

jooahhh : i don't like talking to people

yeol1485 : then why are you even on tinder

jooahhh : when i reach peak boredness i use it to talk to unsuspecting males and then laugh at how small their dicks are whenever they try to turn me on by sending me their nudes

jooahhh : honestly, it's great entertainment. i get a lot of laughs from it.

yeol1485 : ...are you ok?? in the head??

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