(Fell in Your Opinion) When I Fell in Love with You

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Title: (Fell in Your Opinion) When I Fell in Love with You

Pairings: Ian/Anthony

Rating: PG

Genre: Angst

Summary: The thing about falling, Ian found out, was that it wasn’t permanent. It was merely transport, a means of moving from one state to another. To what state one would be moving to and from where, Ian didn’t know. What mattered was that he established the fact that falling was an integral part to a lot of stories, especially his.

Author's Notes: I thought that by writing an Ianthony fic, I would stop thinking about them so much. Apparently, I thought wrong. I’m new to Smosh, so this is my first time writing about them. Hopefully, you guys enjoy this. Also, title comes from Florence + The Machine’s Falling, so check that song out. Constructive criticism is appreciated, by the way. (Also, I posted this story on my lj, my tumblr, and my ff.net account, so don't be surprised if you see this there.)

Disclaimer: I don’t own Falling by Florence + The Machine, nor do I own Smosh. I make no money from this.

The thing about falling, Ian found out, was that it wasn’t permanent. It was merely transport, a means of moving from one state to another. To what state one would be moving to and from where, Ian didn’t know. What mattered was that he established the fact that falling was an integral part to a lot of stories, especially his.

Perhaps it was better to tell his story in parts.


He didn’t know when it started, or where.

The thing about falling was that in theory, it was frightening, and in reality, it was a whole lot worse.

In reality, Ian was never quite sure whether there would be something to catch him below. In reality, there was no assurance that he would survive the fall.

Falling in love with his best friend had no specific time or place, so Ian didn’t bother asking himself when or where every night.

What he bothered to ask himself was why.

Questions ultimately lead to answers, he figured, and so he closed his eyes every night and tried to retrace his steps, tried to know just why he was falling for a man he could never quite have.

He never did find out why.


Days were the hardest.

It was during the days when he saw Anthony bleary-eyed with sleep, looking adorable in his rumpled clothes. It was when he struggled to remain in his seat instead of just running away from the bittersweet torture life had given him.

It was during days when he was reminded of what he couldn’t have, despite everything else he already had.

He had a best friend he could trust, a job he loved, and fun moments in between. What else could he possibly want?

Falling was a bitch, Ian decided, because he was stuck in stasis and there was nothing he could do about it.


Melanie was an amazing woman. She was smart, sarcastic, and she was fun to be with. She was talented, creative, and crazy. Ian loved her immediately. She was the brand of crazy Ian loved dealing with.

So why was it that he couldn’t quite fall into her as much as he was falling for Anthony?

Melanie knew something was up when she and Ian finally met. He couldn’t lie to her, couldn’t tell her that she was what he dreamt of at night when it wasn’t the case. He couldn’t tell her that when he imagined himself being happy, he just thought of his moments with Ian, playing video games until midnight.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2014 ⏰

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