Bonus Chapter (part one)

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(This is Yuri and Otabek in 8th grade. So, it is a flashback. Also this will be continued at random times, so basically I'll post a random amount of normal chapters, then I may update the flashback.)

Yurio's P.O.V

I walked into the library slowly, as the bell rang for the next period. "Hey Yuri, glad you could volunteer today!" The librarian said cheerfully as I walked in. "Do you have any thing for me to do today, Ms. Jordan?" I ask.

"Could you please organize those books on the table over there? Afterwards, if you don't mind re-shelving them that would be great also." She replied.

I walked over to the table, and began organizing. Most of the books were nonfiction. After I finally finished, I hear someone walk in. It's not just anyone either, it's Otabek Altin!

Not gonna lie, he's really cute. But, I'm not the only one who thinks that. Every girl in this school has their heart set on him.

Oh my God. He's walking right up to me. What do I do? "Hey, um can you show me where the geography textbooks are, the librarian said you would assist me." He said with a crooked smile. I blush lightly and stutter, "U-Um follow m-me."

I show him over to the textbook area, and eventually narrow it down to the Geography ones. "Your looking f-for eight grade geography, correct?" I ask.

"Yep, that's it." He responds grinning. He's really cute when he grins like that. I remove it from the shelf, and hand it to him. I blush as our hands brush past each others, when he politely takes it from me.

"Hey, you seem nice, here is my number so we can chat okay?" He says while scribbling something down on a piece of paper. He hands it to me, and I slide it in my pocket. "Well, I need to get back to class now, so bye for now." He says, and then he walks off.

My heart flutters with joy, and I feel my insides turn all tingly. I think I'm in love! Well, it's middle school love, which by the way never lasts long. But still, love is love!

I finish the rest of my voluntary work, and head home since I do it during 7th period. I rush into my room and lock the door shut. Sadly, I can still hear my parents arguing in the other room, but by now I'm used to it.

I run over to my bed and plop myself on it while my phone powers back on. Once it's powered on, I go on to kik. I put in Otabek's number, then I stare at my phone. I'm way to nervous to put anything! What do I say? What do I do?

Once I finally strike up the confidence, I begin to pick up my phone I start texting.

YuriPlisetsky: Hey Otabek this is Yuri

I wait a bit for a response, and soon my phone goes off.

Otabear1998: Hey Yuri, sorry for the weird name by the way.

I smile and laugh a tiny bit. I think it's cute. I begin to reply shortly afterwards.

YuriPlisetsky:  Nah, it's fine.

Soon, we text back and forth for what seems like forever, and finally we stop when it's our dinner time. After that, we continue. Finally, we find a stopping point.

Otabear1998: Hey I need to sleep, but I will see you tomorrow bye.💙

Okay, I'm freaking out right now. Well, because he put a heart at the end of that sentence!!! As far as I know friends don't do that! Well, most guys don't at least. I know we just met but still, love prevails!

YuriPlisetsky: good night! See you tommorow! 💙

I don't know what the future holds, but for now I will admit that I am in love with Otabek Altin!

Next day~

Otabek's P.O.V

As I walked down the long hallway to my next class, I saw familiar blonde hair walk past me. I turn around to see, Yuri behind me! I run up to him and say, "Hey Yuri."

He tenses up a little before looking at me. "Don't scare me like that Otabek!" He says.

I laugh a little, and then we continued to walk. "So, how is life going for you?" I ask.

Word count~ 733 words

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