One Direction's biggest fan!

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On a cold, gloomy day a girl named Noelle Sufyan heard about One Direction. She didn't know them in the first place but since then she was obsessed with them. You don't know how annoying it is, but what can you do there One Direction. She would always listen to there songs everyday and calls her self Zayn Malik's wife. Is that cute, but sorry Perrie Edwards is already engaged with him. There a very lovely couple and hope they enjoy their lives together. Next day, Noelle started her 8th grade year on this first day. Once she got in, she hugged her friends as hard as she can because thats how much she missed them over Summer Break. First period was Science. She hates that class. So instead she would do her work and listen to One Direction's songs on her phone. After that, when we went to 2nd hour, computer applications class, she would always search up One Direction everyday. Especially listening to Zayn Malik's high notes, how adorable is that. By the time the day was over, after school she walked home with some of her friends and sister. After she woke up from yesterday's boring day, today was her birthday. She took like 40 years to find for an outfit. Like what the hell its not hard. So next thing you know her friend Mona came in her room and helped her find the best clothes to wear on the day of her birthday. Finally, she had found a high and low dress, with black skinny jeans, and a nice pink scarf. She look so pretty, everybody was looking at her by the time she was passing the hallway. Her day went so amazing. Her mom had a surprise party today without Noelle knowing only her family and friends. At 5:00 in the afternoon she came home from her cousins house, knocked at the door(no answer) then opened it. By the time she got in, everybody jumped and yelled SURPRISE! Her face turned pink not when she gets mad at someone but a happy smile and face she had ever made. There were food, drinks, cake, DJ, and so much more she had ever imagined. "Sweety it;s time for you to open your gifts" her mom shouted. She had awesome gifts from her friends until her mom told her the last one is special. " What is it, what is it?" Noelle said with a mysterious look on her face. Her mom was recording her, then once she opened her last special gift at the end, she looked at it and jumped up and down screaming and crying with happy tears at the same time. She couldnt believe she got ONE DIRECTON'S CONCERT tickets. And she was so lucky her mom and dad bought her 5 of them for her best friends. The CONCERT was next week. The next day in school, all you see her doing is telling everybody Im going to One Direction's concert. She was happy. She actually deserved it because a girl who is obsessed with a band should get something worth out of it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2014 ⏰

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