Joel 🍟 🇲🇽

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Joel Dylan Pimentel De Leon

Birthday: February 28 1999

-He can lick his elbow.

- His favorite sport is soccer.⚽

- Joel is one of the members of CNCO that can speak fluent English.

-Joel has three brothers, They are Emanuel, Israel and Gabriel

-Joel's favorite filter on Snapchat is the dog filter.

- He used to do Vines before joining "La Banda"

- He hasn't had a girlfriend

- His best friend is Yoandri Cabrerra

- He was the third person to join CNCO.

- His favorite colour is black

- His favorite food is Lasagna.
- His favorite singer is Ed Sheeran

- He has three dogs named Canela, Bambi and Shadow.

- He passed his audition with a 77%

- His favorite junk food is chocolate covered pretzels.❤

- Joel hates mushrooms

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