Hermit Spindrall

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The starship arrived to Korriban in the morning. The group of acolytes land on the planet. One of them was human woman- Nelia Yidrath.

She was young. She has short black hair and bronze eyes. On her forehead there was an oval scar with unspecified symbol in it. She was wearing red acolyte suite and training sword.

Nelia look around at the sandy fields. Great gigant statues look down at little people who pased those korriban paths.

Woman walk to the other accolytes.

-Well, finally our laggard appear. - Overseer Harkun said, while looking contemptuously at her.

Harkun was a middle age, human, man, brown hair and blue eyes. On his right eye and forhead he has red tattoo. He is always look at other with antipathy.

-Don't let the freedom went to your head, you still need to pass the trials - His tone suggested that he is sure Nelia is not worth this place. -Lord Zash has tasked me, to find one worthy of her apprentice, and this is what I'm going to do.

-Who is Lord Zash? -someone asked.

-She is a Dark Lord of the Sith and more important than you'll ever be. Any of you! -Overseer drawled. -Now, the rest of you glutter trash already know your trial. Get going while I bring our latecomer up to speed. -He added, looking at Nelia.

-Watch your back, friend. And don't worry. It'll be alright. He can't kill us all. -Suddenly only other girl said that. She was young. Her name was Kory. She has short ginger hair and blue-green eyes.

-The true Sith fears no one. -Nelia said seriously.

-I guess. -Kory left rather sad.

-Now, slave... -Harkun started talking again. -For your trial: There's a hermit named Spindrall who lives in the tomb of Ajunta Pall in the Valley of Dark Lords... Spindrall is a lunatic, but Lord Zash sees him as some kind of prophet. Once you find him, he will test you.

-Sounds like a rather good test. If Lord Zash wishes so, I'm going to fulfill this task. -Nelia said devoted to her words.

-You know your task. Spindrall lives in the tomb of Ajunta Pall in the Valley of the Dark Lords. Don't keep Spindrall waiting, slave.

She only noded as overseer left.

All this things was rather new and weird for Nelia. She entered the tomb. Near the entrance there were a few soldiers guarding the entrence. Near this place where wasn't really many monster, but the deeper in the tomb the more K'lor'slug was there. Nelia with a little difficutlies slaced them but the more she killed, the more she learn about K'lor'slug the better she killed them. Nelia learn their weakness.

Suddenly she heard someones terrified scream. It was girls voice. Nelia jumped to the slug and slice it with one cut. The girl appeard to be Kory, she look petrified at Nelia and breath heavy. Accolyte look down at Kory.

-Are you all right? -Nelia finally ask.

-I'm... I'm... -She couldn't say a word. -I'll be fine. -She touch her forhead ashamed.

Nelia give her a hand, and help her get up.

-I'm sorry... -Kory started. -And thank you for saving me. You are not like other sith.

-I'm not sith... Just yet.

-Right... -added Kory staring in ground

Girls started to move forward.

-Where do you come from? -Kory asked, breaking akward silence.

-Does it really mather? -Nelia looked at her bored. Kory ashamed once again look away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2017 ⏰

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