One Wrong Move

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Mason Kiby is a good kid. At least, he tries to be. He helps others, never back talks, and respects his elders. He has never gotten in trouble at school, always does his chores, and is nice to everyone. He has only ever cussed twice, and they were both accidentally. Anyone who met Mason Kiby would say he was a good guy, so why is he here?

“Please!” Mason whimpers. “Let me go!” The shadows clutching him only tighten their grip. They lead him down a dark corridor, practically dragging him, never slowing their brisk pace. The black figures stop abruptly at a giant steel door. The shadow on the right lets Mason go so it can open it. He thinks about making a run for it, but he is already in so much pain, he fears what would happen when he gets caught. And he knows that he won't escape.

The shadow returns to Mason's side and resumes it's bruising hold. They go through the doorway and Mason immediately tries to back track. The room is bathed in light, every corner exposed, and what he sees absolutely terrifies him. Bones litter the floor, the fleshy walls seep blood, and the temperature fluctuates so randomly that the fire burning Mason's feet had turned to ice and frostbite after three steps.

But that isn't the worst part. At the back of the room, on a small platform, is a throne. A lovely throne, really. It is carved out of the darkest and smoothest marble Mason has ever seen and detailed so thoroughly that he wishes he had time to stop and stare. But the person sitting on the throne draws his attention.

The man is beautiful. There truly is no other way to describe him. He sits upon the throne with such casualness and comfort that it makes Mason want to sit on it too. But still, the way the man is staring straight at him with a smirk makes him uncomfortable and...a little scared. Of course Mason is already trembling with fright, so that's nothing new.

The man on the throne waves a hand at the shadows and they instantly disappear. “Mr. Kiby” the man says quietly. Mason snaps to attention, surprised by the warmth of the man's voice. “It's so good to see you. I hope you've enjoyed your stay so far.” Mason lets the words wash over him. Enjoyed? Well, What is he thinking? There is nothing enjoyable about this place.

“ O-of course I haven't e-enjoyed this. What kind of s-sick freak are y-you?” He hisses. Mason flinches when the man laughs. It's just too carefree and airy for a situation like this. “Mason, do you know who I am?” the man asks. “The Devil.” he replies, quietly. “Good.” the Devil says, smiling. “Now, do you know where you are?” “H-hell?” he stutters out.

The man rolls his eyes. “Of course you would think that. No, Mason, this isn't Hell. This is just a place your mind has made up to represent Hell.” The man smirks again and leans forward. “Trust me. If this was Hell the only sounds that would be coming out of your mouth right now, are screams. And if this is the best you can do, well, you're in for a nasty surprise.”

“B-but I never did anything wrong! Why am I here? I don't deserve this!” Mason yells. The Devil sighs. “Did you ever go to church, Mason?” The question is so unexpected that he has to stop and actually think about it. “My parents aren't really religious, but sometimes I go with my Aunt.” “Let me guess. Mostly on Easter and Christmas?” Mason bites his bottom lip and nods.

The Devil rolls his eyes again. “Typical. So have you ever accepted Jesus as your Lord and savior?” he asks almost spitefully and with sarcasm. “U-um. No?” Mason says confused. What in the world did this have to do with anything? The man lounges back on the throne. “Well, there's your problem.” “W-what?” Mason asks, still confused.

“You never accepted Jesus.” the Devil says simply. Mason stares at him dumbfounded. There's a short, tense silences before the Devil starts laughing again. “Your face is hilarious, kid.” The so-called 'kid' grits his teeth. “This is f-funny to you? I still don't understand why I'm in this 'fake Hell'.” “I already told you, you didn't accep-” “I know what you said!” Mason yells. “But that doesn't make any sense to me!”

The Devil narrows his eyes, making Mason shudder and take a step back. “You do not interrupt me when I'm speaking, got it?” Mason's lower lip starts to tremble, but he manages to nod. Satisfied, the Devil smiles. “Listen, boy. Anyone who doesn't accept Jesus before they die doesn't get access to Heaven.” Mason builds up his courage to speak again. “Th-that's stupid.”

The man raises an eyebrow. “Is it? “For God loved the world so much that he gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.” John 3:16 and 17.” Mason frowns. “O-okay?” He asks tentatively.

The man continues. “ God gave up his son for you. Jesus died to save you and how did you repay him?” Mason doesn't get a chance to answer. “By ignoring it-by ignoring him. I say that's a good enough reason for you to be sent to Hell, don't you?” “B-but didn't you try to overthrow God or s-something? Isn't that why you got sent to Hell?”

The Devil chuckles. “I'm not in Hell, though.” “W-what?” Mason asks, with wide eyes. “Really kid, you should have paid more attention the few times you went to church. Take him away.” The shadows are suddenly at Mason's sides again. He tries to run, but the shadows are too quick. “W-wait. P-please.” Mason says. The Devil crosses his legs and watches as Mason starts to sink through the floor.

“Y-you can't do this!” Mason shouts, struggling. “Please, let me go.” He begs. “I'll do anything! I'll accept Jesus!” “Mmm. Too late for for that.” Mason starts to cry. “No! I promise I will! Just let me go! Plea-!” Mason Kiby's head sinks under the floor and the room becomes silent. The Devil sighs and props his head on his hand. “They never learn.”

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